Office of the President

Registration Issues

November 6, 2018
Registration Issues

Dear Roadrunners,

I want to personally apologize for the difficulties many of you experienced with spring course registration. This is an important aspect of your academic pathway, and we let you down.

By way of background, we recently updated our registration system to make it more efficient for students. As well intended as that effort was, we failed to perform sufficient testing for volume or compatibility prior to launch, and subsequently we discovered a technical issue in the system.

This is unacceptable, and we will do everything possible to make this right. We have put a process into place to help resolve any registration issues you may have experienced. To help address your issues, fill out our registration help form by clicking the link below, and we will get back to you within 2-3 business days:

Registration Help

This link is also accessible from the registration page on ASAP and UTSA Onestop website.

You should know that automatic validation of your prerequisites may not have occurred when you registered. We are running regular checks to identify students who may have prerequisite issues post-registration. If you were affected, Academic Advising will reach out to you to assist with any adjustments that may be needed to your schedule.

In addition, if you have concerns about graduating on time, please connect with our Graduation Help Desk . Moving forward, please know that finding a long-term solution to these registration issues is my top priority. The problem is more complex than we realized, and it will take us time to completely resolve the issues. I have put a team in place to work with our system vendor on extensive testing and troubleshooting, and we are doing everything possible to ensure future registration periods are seamless. We will keep you updated on our progress.

Thanks in advance for your patience, and I apologize for any additional stress you may have experienced. My goal is to provide all students with a flawless, easy-to-use course registration experience. Anything less than that is unacceptable for UTSA as an institution focused on student success.

We must do better by you, and we will.

With appreciation,
