UTSA Alumni Logo

Chapters & Councils

Get Involved in Your Area or with Fellow Alumni Who Share Your Interests

UTSA Alumni Association chapters and councils offer you the opportunity to stay involved with and connect to UTSA, students, and fellow alumni.

These groups bring alumni closer together to continue to support the university and each other.

Chapters are organized by region, while councils are organized by an affinity for a college or other interest.

If you do not see a group here that fits your needs, please contact Traci Woolston at Traci.Woolston@utsa.edu.

Regional Chapters

Austin Alumni Chapter
Dallas-Fort Worth Alumni Chapter
Houston Alumni Chapter
Rio Grande Valley Alumni Chapter

Affinity Councils

Black Roadrunner Alumni Council
Carlos Alvarez College of Business Alumni Council
Creative Writers Room
CSM Alumni Council
Engineering Alumni Council
HCAP Leadership Circle
Social Work Alumni Group
Veteran Alumni Council

Chapter Resources

New Groups | Start a new Chapter/Council
Social Media Guidelines