UTSA Traditions and Songs
UTSA Fight Song
Go, Roadrunners, Go!
On to vict’ry with all your might.
Fight, Roadrunners, Fight!
For the Blue and the Orange and the White.
We fight for U-T-S-A
Alma Mater proud and strong.
Win, Roadrunners, Win!
And unite in our battle song.
(Repeat for second verse)
Click here to listen!
UTSA Alma Mater
From our hills of oak and cedar
To the Alamo
Voices raised will echo
As, in song, our praises flow
Hail Alma Mater!
Through the years our loyalty will grow
The University of Texas
San Antonio
Click here to listen!
The Roadrunner Hand Sign – Birds Up!
- Open your hand with your palm facing out (away from you)
- Curl your first three fingers toward the center of your palm, leaving your thumb and little finger upright.
- Your thumb is the roadrunner's head and your pinky represents the tail.
- Pro tip—it’s always “palms out” because other schools do it sideways or facing inward
Other Traditions
Homecoming began in 1985 to bring students and alumni together to celebrate their connections to UTSA. Best Fest, the selection of Mr. and Ms. UTSA, and, of course the Homecoming football game are highlights of a full week of activities.
The Fountain of Luck: It is said that touching the fountain under the Sombrilla while the water is running will bring good luck on your final exams. It is only good to touch it during finals and not any other time because then it will give you bad luck. A campaign and lead gift from alumni Nancy '93, '95, and Andrew Ozuna '91 recently helped repair the fountain to ensure the water would continue to run.
Roadrunner Statue: The iron version of Rowdy the Roadrunner mascot arrived on campus in September 2013, thanks to the generosity of many supporters. As part of the initial Bring Rowdy Home campaign (now closed), donors are forever linked to the statue by having their names listed online. Below, the artist RG Box celebrates Rowdy's installation.