The Office of Sustainability seeks to make our campus more sustainable through policies and practices that align with the president’s strategic initiatives in academics, research and operational excellence. These policies and practices support ecological, human, and economic health and vitality.
We provide funding through SUSTAIN (s upporting u niversity s ustainability t hrough a ction, i nitiatives and n arratives) for projects that positively impact UTSA's sustainability. We write grants for student projects that support our students and student spaces by emphasizing wellness, culture and environmental quality through economic, environmental and social sustainability.
Finally, because we can't accomplish great things alone, we tell the success stories of university departments, researchers, faculty and students. As a Roadrunner, you can promote campus sustainability through participation in forums, events, programs, volunteering and assisting with grants and supporting initiatives. Be the catalyst that creates a greener campus! Browse through our pages for opportunities to participate in campus sustainability.