Sustainability Council

The Sustainability Council is a university standing committee whose chair and members are appointed by the university president and their designee. The council consists of faculty, staff and students from the three campuses, and includes representatives from the offices of the president and each of the vice presidents.

» Learn more about the council and view members

The purpose of the council is to advise the president, provost and other senior leaders on strategies for enhancing the university's sustainability performance. The council makes recommendations on sustainability programs, initiatives and practices. The council helps monitor the development and progress of the campus sustainability efforts and provides guidance and assistance in creating alliances with community partners.

The council is responsible for developing a five-year sustainability plan, and reviews and updates the plan on an annual basis with the senior leadership team for approval, support and provision of resources. The council is also responsible for creating an annual report on the progress of the university-wide sustainability plan. Additionally, the council is responsible for preparing the annual UTSA Campus Sustainability Report for UT System.

Student representatives are appointed through the Committee on Committees panel, which works with the vice president of Student Affairs to nominate students. Student representatives are then appointed by the university president. Student appointments are for one year, with the option to be reappointed for an additional year of service.

There are five student representative positions on the Sustainability Council. Two student positions are standing seats reserved for the Student Government Association (SGA) president and the SGA sustainability representative. Only these two positions may have a designated representative stand in for them at meetings. The SGA president designee must be appointed by the SGA president at the beginning of their term and is the only designated representative. The SGA president’s designee may have voting rights. Student positions are from Sept. 1 to Aug. 31. New positions open for nomination late in the spring semester.

If you are interested in serving as a student representative, you may contact the UTSA Committee on Committees. We recommended that a faculty or staff submit your name and nominate you to the committee or vice president of Student Affairs.

Student representatives should attend all meetings, but may miss one meeting a year. Members who cannot attend meetings will be replaced. The council meets once a month in September, November, December and February through May. Student representatives are expected to be available for virtual meetings during the summer months.

Student representatives are also standing members of the Sustainable Initiatives Review Committee (SIRC), which reviews SUSTAIN proposals each February. SIRC members review SUSTAIN requests for funding and make recommendations to the director of Sustainability and the Sustainability Council.

The Sustainability Council will meet on the following dates during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Meetings are held from 2-3 p.m. in the Business Services Annex, room 117.