Grants, Projects & Initiatives
The Office of Sustainability engages in grant writing as a strategic approach to secure funding for its projects and key initiatives. Grants provide the financial resources necessary to achieve the overall aim of our office, making our campus more sustainable and fostering a culture of sustainability among students, faculty and staff. Grants provide access to external funding opportunities that may not be available through the university's regular budget, thereby expanding the scope and impact of UTSA’s sustainability efforts. Additionally, successful grant proposals enhance the university's reputation as a leader in Sustainability and attract support from donors, partners and stakeholders. From these various grants, the Office of Sustainability is able to realize projects and initiatives on our campuses. We provide students lecture, volunteering, service learning, job related opportunities, and most importantly, we expand a sustainable campus climate through programs and initiatives.

Coming Soon

As we strive to create a sustainable campus, our office established Supporting UTSA Sustainability Through Action, Initiatives and Narratives ( SUSTAIN), a university program that funds projects..

Bike Friendly Campus
The Office of Sustainability has worked to improve Bicycle and Pedestrian facilities since 2018 to reduce congestion from single-occupancy vehicles (SOVs) and improve our air quality.