Staff Senate

Roadrunner Staff Emergency Fund

UTSA Staff Senate in collaboration with the offices of Development & Alumni Relations and People Excellence is pleased to offer the Roadrunner Staff Emergency Fund (RSEF). This fund is intended  to provide limited financial assistance to university staff employees that are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses because of a temporary hardship related to an emergency situation.

Applicants are expected to pursue alternative solutions for addressing their needs before submitting an RSEF application. For instance, assistance with electric bills may be provided through the CPS Energy Residential Energy Assistance Program (REAP). A full list of alternative resources can be found below.


How to Apply

The instruction guide contains an overview of the application process. After reviewing the eligibility requirements on the first page of the online RSEF Application, please complete the form and attach the required supporting documents to the application.
For questions, please contact Staff Senate,


How to Donate

The Roadrunner Staff Emergency Fund is funded through donations from UTSA employees, alumni, and the greater university community. Charitable contributions can be made online or through monthly payroll deduction. Online donations can be private or public, and contributions to UTSA are deductible for federal income tax purposes under IRC Section 170(c)(1).
Special thank you to the  UTSA Vice Presidents and the Office of Development and Alumni Relations for their efforts to support the Roadrunner Staff Emergency Fund.