Staff Senate General Election

Staff Senators are elected by their peers to represent the interests of and give a voice to their divisions. Senators serve a two-year term and, through their service, can lead committees and projects and run for offices. Our General Election is held each summer to determine staff members who will fill open seats beginning Sept 1.

Representation is proportional with one Senator to every 40-60 staff in each division. Both classified and Administrative and Professional (A&P) staff can be nominated and run for Staff Senate. Classified staff are represented at the divisional level, A&P staff are elected within their own category.

Please direct nomination and/or election related questions to, and refer to our Bylaws for more detail on the process and qualifications.

   Current Status: Voting Open (view nominees)

When elections open, staff members will receive a personalized Qualtrics link via their UTSA Outlook account. Check Junk folders if the message does not appear in your Inbox. Each staff member may vote only once in their area for the specified number of nominees.


Date What Happens
Jun 10 Nominations Open (nomination link emailed to staff)
Jun 21 Nominations Close
Jul 1 Nominees Contacted (emailed to nominees, may accept or decline)
Jul 10 Nominations Confirmations Close
Jul 15 Voting Opens (ballot link emailed to staff)
Jul 25 Voting Closes
Sep 1 New and/or Re-elected Senators Begin Their Term

Nominee Biographies

To help inform your vote, nominees are asked to provide a brief biography and a statement expressing why they are running for Staff Senate. Some nominees may opt not to include a biography.

Review nominees' brief biographies here. To view this information, you must be a current UTSA staff member and log in with your abc123 credentials.