Training Resources
Our training resources provide an overview of the budget planning system functionality, improve the understanding of financial information and ensure departments’ success in the management of the university’s fiscal responsibilities. Visit UTSA People Excellence for additional training resources.
Current Resources
Department Expenses and Revenues
- Managing Departmental Expense and Revenue Budgets
- UTSA Chart of Accounts Quick Reference Guide
- Budget Checking Process Diagram- Purchasing Example
- Budget Checking Exceptions Process Diagram
Hyperion Job Aids
Budget Planning
Reconcile an E&G Cost Center
Reconcile a Designated Tuition Funded Cost Center
Reconcile a Fee Funded
Reconcile Cost Centers Using Transfer Descriptions
NACUBO Function Codes
UTSA uses the following function codes in accordance with the functional expense classifications developed by the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) to indicate the mission-related purpose of expenses.