BA Connect Newsletter - May 2022
Veronica Salazar
Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President for Business Affairs
Dear Business Affairs Familia,
As the spring semester comes to a close, I am excited to celebrate our UTSA graduates. Attending UTSA Commencement and celebrating alongside our students is a reminder of the important work we do in Business Affairs to support student success. I encourage each of you to sign up for the Commencement Drive to help congratulate our Roadrunners. Toward the end of May, I hope you will join me for a Coffee Break on campus. Taking time to connect with one another is an important way we work towards cultivating a compassionate and inspiring workplace.
The end of the semester is a meaningful time to reflect on our accomplishments and progress. This semester we’ve made tremendous strides toward integrating the Southwest School of Art into UTSA operations and visioning the future of the Institute of Texan Cultures. We continue to watch our campus grow as we welcome new team members to the UTSA familia and see physical changes on campus with new downtown properties.
It remains an exciting time to be a Roadrunner and I am energized by the innovation and dedication within Business Affairs!
New Real Estate, Construction and Planning (RECaP) Website
The new Real Estate, Construction and Planning (RECaP) website is live! The site houses information on the department’s main service areas, provides updates for new and ongoing projects, and highlights RECaP initiatives including campus planning, sustainability, campus design, inspections and new construction. Additionally, service requests previously housed across various websites, such as space reservations and project requests, are now consolidated on the RECaP website. Take a few minutes to explore the new site and learn more about the exciting work in progress and on the horizon for our RECaP team!
Commencement Drive
Join Business Affairs as we participate in the upcoming Commencement Drive at UTSA! This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our spring 2022 graduates. Business Affairs team members can participate in two ways: event setup or cheering during the parade through campus. Please RSVP before Wednesday, May 11 at 5:00 p.m. to confirm your participation.
Coffee Break
Join us on Tuesday, May 24 at 10:30 a.m. for a Coffee Break with Veronica. The theme for this event will be favorite games. Come prepared to talk about your favorite games to play with family and friends, and be ready to play a round of Jenga, Connect Four and other classic games while we enjoy hot coffee and snacks. This event will take place on campus in the Student Union Outdoor Learning Environment. Please submit your RSVP before Friday, May 20 at 5 p.m.
Suggestions for next month’s newsletter?