
Staff Senate Committees


The Communications Committee serves to publicize the work of the Staff Senate and raise staff awareness regarding Staff Senate initiatives and programs. The committee reviews requests related to university communications and oversees the Staff Senate website and social media accounts.

Community Outreach & Events

The Community Outreach & Events Committee plans and hosts major events with proceeds going to the Staff Senate Scholarship. This committee also promotes a sense of community among UTSA staff by planning social events and supporting staff participation in university service opportunities.

Elections Committee

The Elections Committee is charged with developing and executing the nomination and election process to select members for Staff Senate. The committee identifies eligible staff members, conducts the online nomination and election processes, and adjusts the distribution of positions to balance the number of representatives from each division.

Finance Committee

The Ad-Hoc Finance Committee is responsible for managing the Staff Senate budget. The committee reviews funding requests from the Executive Officers or other committees and works with Business Affairs to complete approved purchase requests.

Health & Wellness

The Health & Wellness Committee identifies opportunities to promote and encourage healthy living among staff. The committee encourages staff to participate in both UTSA programs, such as the RowdyNewU program, and non-UTSA programs, such as the  San Antonio Sports Corporate Cup.

Questions, Ideas, & Concerns

The Questions, Ideas, & Concerns (QIC) Committee encourages questions, concerns, and feedback from UTSA’s staff regarding any aspect of working at UTSA. Any issues raised are discussed, researched, and considered for possible further action or recommendations to the university’s administration.

Staff Awards, Recognition, and Scholarships

The Staff Awards, Recognition, and Scholarships (STARS) Committee coordinates the Staff Award and Recognition Program, which recognizes staff who go above and beyond to serve the university. They also manage the Staff Senate Scholarship Program, which offers financial support to UTSA staff pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees at the university.


University Committees

Enriching Campus Wellbeing Steering Committee

Representative: Gabby Flores and Vero Salazar

Employee Advisory Committee

Representative: Brandy Barksdale and Matt Keneson

Faculty Senate

Representative: Lauren Hoffmann

HOP Committee

Representative: Andrea McClure

Operational Review Committee

Representative: Amy Fritz

Out of State Work Modality Committee

Representative: Lisa Alonzo

Parking & Traffic Committee

Representatives: Heather Frazer, Lauren Hoffmann, Harshan Raj, Gaby Rodriguez

People Excellence and Staff Senate Working Group

Representative: Anna Boyer-Chadwick, Estefania Casper, Jennilee Garza, Sapna Naik, Eric Uriegas

Public Safety Advisory Council

Representative: Xavier Loredo

Strategic Investment Fund Committee

Representative: Damaris Ibarra

Sustainability Council

Representative: Julie Fisher

University Excellence Awards Steering Committee

Representatives: Pebby Garner and Sharon Martinez

University Leadership Council

Representative: Amy Fritz

University Scholarships Committee

Representative: Justin Marmolejo