Services for Veterans
Students who have experienced military service are unique and wonderful additions to our diverse campus community. We recognize that, for some veterans, returning to school after military service may bring with it challenges the average (civilian) individual does not typically experience. We wish to express our thanks for your service and our desire to increase the likelihood of your academic success and return to civilian life.
Furthermore, we recognize that some veterans may have been stationed in a war-zone. You may experience stress reactions associated with war-zone activity. Others of you may have experienced military life state-side, but may still require additional support and guidance to achieve the success which you are capable of. However you have served our country, we wish to provide you with the support you may need to navigate university life, eventual graduation, and beyond. We have identified some helpful websites, which we have provided here, and information to aid in your transition to our campus and membership in our academic community. We have also found faculty and staff willing to mentor you and guide those of you requesting support.
Finally, we offer a support group for student veterans so that you might meet others experiencing similar challenges and feelings who can offer emotional support and guidance. We value our veterans and welcome you to our campus as an important part of our overall academic community.
Why do I need to get help?
Many returning service members will suffer from some degree of war zone stress reactions. It is important for returning troops to be aware of the importance of counseling, whether they obtain care from military or civilian agencies. Since many now live in a relatively peaceful environment, it may become easier to avoid reminders of the trauma faced and to, therefore, put off seeking counseling services. Failure to participate in counseling may not only further impact war-related psychological difficulties, but may also exacerbate disorders that may have been present before deployment.
Services are available to all students who are currently attending class. All services are confidential. Please know that we willing to assist you at any time during the normal work day, or in an emergency, you can access an on-call clinician after hours.
PTSD Information for Veterans
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
A July 2004 article published in the New England Journal of Medicine titled Combat Duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mental Health Barriers to Care, Vol. 351, No. 1, suggested that one in six returning veterans fit criteria for symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD). Most of you went through an "out-processes" group of examinations to identify problems that might be service-related so that treatment might be provided. However, according to officials with the Department of Veteran's Affairs (VA), many veterans do not receive the medical or psychological treatment they desperately need for fear it will negatively impact their military discharge and civilian life. As a result, they are left to struggle with their issues without the support they may need. We offer a support group for veterans to allow them the opportunity to talk to others who have similar challenges. We also wish to provide links and information regarding resources at the university and in the community (both locally and nationally.)
War Zone Stress Reaction & PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disabling disorder that may develop following a traumatic life threatening event. Often, people with PTSD have persistent frightening thoughts, memories, and dreams of the terrifying event and feel emotionally distant. Some relatively common symptoms of PTSD include, but are not limited to the following experiences:
- Recurring and/or intrusive memories and/or dreams/nightmares of the event
- Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were happening now, or again
- Intense distress in response to cues resembling some aspect of the event
- Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations related to the event
- Feeling detachment or estrangement from others
- Difficulty falling asleep and sometimes staying asleep
- Increased irritability or outbursts of anger
- Difficulty concentrating or attending to tasks
- Depression, lethargy, fatigue, social withdrawal, decline in overall pre-combat functioning
- Generalized or specific anxiety related responses to environmental triggers
If you feel you may be suffering from PTSD, visit these links or speak with a counselor within the Counseling Services or at your local Veterans Administration Hospital.
Due to the type of battle our returning soldiers are experiencing ("close-quarter" fighting, difficulty determining friend from foe, and "dirty bomb" placement along roads and in private residences) we are seeing more war zone stress reactions among returning soldiers. There is no safe place in Iraq, thus there is a constant state of readiness and potential loss of life related to an attack. Our troops cannot relax, but instead experience a constant adrenaline rush. Returning troops talk about feelings of annoyance when in a public place (noises are irritating and the number of people in a crowded restaurant is overwhelming). They may have less patience with family, siblings, or children. They may experience sleep deprivation (related to their stress response) that only amplifies their negative experience. They may even wish for the "excitement" of the battlefield (a confusing experience for someone wishing to experience the calm once associated with stateside experiences). Thus, the returning veteran may be uncomfortable in surroundings once viewed as "home". This is a normal response to the abnormal environment of war.
Panic Attacks
A panic attack involves a sudden and intense fear or discomfort in the absence of real danger. Panic attacks may be unexpected, or brought on by an environmental trigger (a loud bang of a car exhaust). In an unexpected attack, the person experiencing the panic may not be able to link the attack to any trigger. However, sometimes the person experiencing the attack can link the episode to a trigger (a sound, smell, or sight). Common symptoms of panic attacks include the following:
- Accelerated heartbeat
- Trembling or shaking
- Chest pain
- Fear of death or losing control, "going crazy"
- Sweating
- Shortness of breath or feeling of suffocation
- Dizziness
- Tingling in the fingers and toes
If you are experiencing panic attacks, please visit with a counselor as soon as possible.