Peer Education and Advocates

Get Involved in Wellbeing Efforts

Getting involved in wellbeing efforts is an important way to show you care about our community. Attend an event, share your knowledge as an advocate or educator or join a student organization that helps plan campus events. When we all work together, our community is stronger.

Tell us more about how you would like to get involved on RowdyLink.

Mental Health Peer Advocates


Mental Health Peer Advocates are UTSA students who are certified peer education facilitators focused on promoting help-seeking and reducing stigma in receiving mental health and wellbeing support.  They provide peer mentoring as well as prevention and education programming to UTSA students.

Mental Health Peer Advocates provide additional resources and information and serve as liasion between with student body and Wellbeing Services.

Apply to be a Mental Health Peer Advocate

Peer Education Program

The mission of the Peer Education Program is to promote healthy lifestyles and better decision making to the UTSA community by providing accurate health information and resources to students. The program consists of Peer Educators who are UTSA student volunteers who provide peer-to-peer education on various health topics through fun and interactive games and discussions. Peer Educators work together to promote wellness by increasing awareness of student health issues and encouraging positive lifestyles.

If you are interested in building leadership skills, promoting health and wellness and mentoring your peers, the Peer Education Program is just for you! All students are welcome to join no matter their background or major.

Apply to be a Peer Educator

wellbeing education peers
wellbeing education peers

Prevention of Sexual Violence

Join the UTSA PEACE Center in campus-wide efforts to reduce interpersonal violence and support survivors. From planning events to sharing resources with your peers, it's on us to set the expectation that physical and sexual violence are never OK.

Contact the PEACE Center to join the effort

    Email the PEACE Center
Safe Campus Twitter Infographic