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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 8 - Facilities and University Services
Previous Publication Date: January 24, 2008
Publication Date: July 26, 2021
Policy Owner: VPIMT

8.13 The Organization and Appropriate Use of the Internet at UTSA

This is not the current policy. For the latest, click here.


Policies on the use of university computers and computer networks to communicate on and off campus have been developed and included in the Handbook of Operating Procedures. (Policy 8.12) They are also posted on the university's main home page, which is the central electronic publication whereby Internet users gain general campus information and are directed to additional information posted on various Web sites at the university.

Reason for Policy

It is the intent of these policies to provide information about the structure of the main home page and linked Web sites and to designate a system for the oversight of Web sites and for the production and maintenance of Web sites containing official university information that represent the university to the public.

  1. Main UTSA Home Page

    The university's main home page is maintained on a server by the Office of University Communications and the Office of Information Technology. University Communications is responsible for the content and structure of this site, and for the development of official university Web sites in cooperation with Web site managers throughout the campus.

    Information Technology provides technical support for computers and computer networks and links among campus servers, including the university's main home page server. Links from the main home page to all campus sites developed on the main server or on servers in respective academic and administrative departments and offices must be approved by the Office of University Communications and the Office of Information Technology.

  2. General Provisions

    Development and maintenance of all official university Web sites are the responsibilities of the offices and departments creating those sites with the exception of sites developed on the university's main server and officially designated as the responsibility of University Communications. Official university Web sites are those containing official university information that describes the courses, services, hours of operation, policies, students, faculty, staff, equipment, facilities or any other aspect of the university.

    1. Official Information/University Web Sites
      1. Official university information is any information officially representing UTSA placed on the Internet or published in university documents, pamphlets, brochures, flyers, booklets, catalogs or in any other printed or electronic format. Anyone placing official information about UTSA on the Internet must make sure the information is accurate, timely and clearly stated and such information is subject to review and approval by the appropriate university policy officers.
      2. It is the responsibility of campus Web site developers and managers to work collaboratively with University Communications to ensure appropriate standards of accuracy, organization and presentation are maintained and that university logos and wordmarks are used appropriately in accordance with university policy.
      3. University Communications is responsible for developing official university logos and wordmarks for use in university web pages and web page templates for suggested use on university Web sites. The purpose of this is to ensure uniform, consistent and accurate transfer of information about the university over the Internet and to enhance the communications potential of the Internet at UTSA.
      4. Official university sites include all academic home pages developed by the colleges or departments and all administrative home pages developed by the various administrative offices of the university, including the Alumni Association and Intercollegiate Athletics. Administrative responsibility and authority for servers used to develop campus Web sites are vested with the appropriate departments or offices but subject to the technical review and approval of Information Technology only to ensure the technical integrity of the campus network.

    2. Policy Officers/Web Site Managers
      1. Each major administrative and academic unit of the university (executive officers, deans) will appoint an administrative policy officer at the associate vice president or associate dean level to coordinate the development of the Web sites in their areas that contain official university information. These policy officers are responsible for enforcing policies on the use of computers and networks for communication referenced above and for the provisions of these policies. They also will serve as the principal contact person for individuals who have complaints about policy violations or other questions about Web site development.
      2. Each office, department or other administrative or academic unit developing a Web site will appoint a Web site manager with immediate responsibility for the information maintained at that site. This person will ensure that information conveyed about the university and its programs and services is timely and accurate. It is expected these Web site managers will work closely with University Communications to develop the format for their sites in accordance with university design and content standards and to ensure appropriate linkages are maintained to the university's home page.

    3. Faculty Home Pages

      Faculty who develop individual home pages on university computers and who expect to link through their department or college servers are subject to all university policies and all local, state and federal laws governing communication on the Internet and across university networks previously referenced in policies on the use of computers and networks, Chapter 8, Section 8.12, Handbook of Operating Procedures. Official university information posted on faculty home pages - any information presented as official fact about UTSA -- is subject to the review and approval by appropriate university policy officers.

    4. Organizational Home Pages

      Only official university organizations that have applied for and received recognition as such are eligible to post information on university computers and link through university networks to servers and the main university home page. Organizations attempting to place information on university Web sites are subject to the same policy and law as any individual using this equipment. Linkages through university networks and systems will be denied to organizations that have not met the appropriate criteria for official recognition.

    5. Student Home Pages

      Students who wish to develop personal home pages may do so on university computers provided for that purpose, such as the Lonestar System at UTSA. Information on developing a home page on the Lonestar server is available on the opening page of the Lonestar system at UTSA. Student home pages are expected to conform to the same policy and legal standards governing the use of university computers and networks previously referenced and to any applicable provisions of the University Communications policy (Policy 4.22). The university reserves the right to withdraw computing privileges from any student found to be violating policy or law.