Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 9 - General Provisions
Previous Publication Date: December 5, 2017
Publication Date: January 11, 2021
Policy Reviewed Date: November 29, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Academic Affairs
9.09 University Posting of Materials
- A student or registered student organization, faculty, staff or other university organization, or university unit (bookstore, dining services) may publicly post an approved sign on university property only at an approved location if the posting is consistent with this policy and with the applicable provisions of The University of Texas System Board of Regents Rules and Regulations. A sign includes billboards, decals, notices, placards, posters and any kind of hand-held sign. General Posting Boards include designated kiosks and bulletin boards. Posting is defined as any means used for displaying a sign.
The UTSA posting policy has been adopted for the purposes described below.
- Information and Promotion of University Community Events and Services. (1) To provide university departments and units a means to promote activities, events, services, initiatives and other institutional priorities. (2) To provide information and a means for registered student organizations and registered faculty/staff organizations to promote specific on-campus events. (3) To allow individual students, faculty members, and staff members to post advertisements in specified locations for roommates, subleases, and sales of used goods that the seller has personally owned and used.
- Regulation of Commercial Material. To assure compliance with University of Texas System rules regarding solicitation.
- Appearance of Physical Environment. To maintain and improve the appearance of the physical environment of the campus.
- Paper Waste Reduction. To reduce the amount of paper used for posting and to encourage recycling of removed materials.
- Safety and Emergency Notices. To allow for the sharing of messages about safety, security, and emergencies. This will include notices about class changes.
- The following rules apply to members of university organizations for posting notices, posters, bulletins, and other materials on university property.
- General Provisions
- Approved Posting Locations
- The approved General Posting Boards are located on the UTSA Student Activities website at http://www.utsa.edu/sa/policies/general-posting-boards.html.
- The approved Banner Locations are located on the UTSA Student Activities website at http://www.utsa.edu/sa/policies/approved-banner-locations.html.
- Bulletin boards, other than those designated as General Posting, are maintained and monitored by other university offices and do not fall under the UTSA posting policy. Permission to post materials on these bulletin boards must be obtained through the appropriate university department.
- Unapproved Posting Locations
Materials may be posted only in approved locations. Materials may not be posted in the following locations unless otherwise permitted:- Posted inside elevators, restrooms, classrooms, lecture halls, doors, stairwells, cement walls, trees, light posts, floors, sidewalks or parking lots.
- Attached to painted, glass, cement, plastic, rubber or wooden surfaces.
- Posted over other approved and properly posted materials.
- On cars in University parking lots.
- All materials to be posted on General Posting Boards or banners to be displayed in approved locations by students, faculty, or staff and registered student organizations must be approved for posting and stamped by the Office of Student Activities. Materials to be posted by campus departments do not require approval by the Office of Student Activities but must comply with the guidelines and the intent of the posting policy.
- Size. Materials to be posted on General Posting Boards may not be larger than 17 x 28 inches. Banners may not be larger than 6 x 8 feet for all locations except the second floor railing of the University Center (UC) east wing and within the Frio Street and Buena Vista Street Buildings. Banners displayed at the aforementioned locations may not be larger than 4 feet high by 3 feet wide.
- Number of Allowable Materials. Posted materials are limited to one item per activity per posting location. Banners are limited to one per location.
- Identification of Sponsoring Individual/Organization. The name of the sponsoring individual/organization must be stated prominently on the front of all items to be posted. Individuals must also provide a phone number, e-mail address, and/or website.
- Non-permissible Signs. Materials to be posted may not: (1) Promote solicitation, including trademarks and brand names, in violation of HOP 9.10. (2) promote illegal products or activities (3) Contain material that is obscene, vulgar, or libelous. (4) Contain material directed to incite or produce imminent lawless action and likely to incite or produce such action. (5) Contain commercial and/or promotional material sponsored or joint sponsored by non-university organizations. (6) Advertise off-campus events that are not sponsored by the University.
- Translation. Materials submitted containing non-English language must provide an English translation before approval. The name of the sponsoring organization must appear in English.
- Responsibility for Damages. An individual/organization that posts materials in such a manner that damages university property is financially responsible for the damage.
- Enforcement. The Office of Student Activities is responsible for enforcing the posting policies as they pertain to General Posting Boards and approved locations to display banners. University departments and other university organizations are expected to comply with this policy.
- General Posting Boards
- Availability. Only students, faculty, staff, registered student organizations, university departments, and other university organizations are entitled to post materials on General Posting Boards. Individual students, faculty members, and staff members may post advertisements for roommates, subleases, and sales of used goods that the seller has personally owned and used, but only on a bulletin board designated for that purpose by an academic or administrative unit in space that the unit occupies or controls. Any unit that designates a bulletin board for this purpose may regulate that bulletin board under the procedures set forth by that unit.
- Posting Period. All materials are approved for a posting period not to exceed two weeks. Materials promoting an event or activity must be removed by the sponsoring individual/organization within 48 hours after the conclusion of the event or activity.
- Maintenance. General Posting Boards are designated, monitored, and maintained by the Office of Student Activities.
- Removal. On a weekly basis, General Posting Boards will be cleared of outdated and unapproved items. In addition, any materials found in violation of the posting policy may be removed at any time by any UTSA student, faculty, or staff, and submitted to the Office of Student Activities for appropriate action.
- Approved Posting Locations
- Banner Regulations
- Availability. Only registered student organizations, university departments, and university staff and faculty organizations may be approved to display banners and posters. Banners posted by registered student, staff and faculty organizations may only be for the purpose of promoting specific on-campus events (including time, date and location) that are also appropriately entered in Rowdylink and compliant with all University rules and regulations.
- Posting Period. Banners are approved for a posting period not to exceed two weeks. Banners promoting an event or activity must be removed by the sponsoring organization by 5:00 p.m. on the next school day after the conclusion of the event or activity. Banners displayed beyond the posting period or displayed without approval may be removed and disposed of by the Office of Student Activities.
Maintenance. The sponsoring organization is responsible for putting up and taking down its banner. The sponsoring organization must provide its own materials for hanging its banner. Masking tape, string, or twine are the preferred materials for hanging banners. String and twine are the only materials allowed when hanging items on painted railings. The use of duct or packing tape and wire is prohibited on wood or painted surfaces.
- Commercial solicitation is not permitted in university buildings or other facilities. Commercial advertisements offering the sale of products and/or services shall not be posted. University units such as the bookstore or dining services are excepted.
- Exceptions to these rules may be made by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs in coordination with the Office of Facilities for student elections and major entertainment events.
- Permission to post materials may be subsequently denied to any organization which fails to comply with this policy.
- Signs with Stakes (yard signs)
- Signs regarding official university events will be given priority in regard to placement, etc.
- Signs are the responsibility of the organization/department. The organization/department assumes the risk that any sign that is placed could be stolen or damaged.
- Signs must be either directional signs or an announcement of a date-specific event (not to exceed a week in length). Signs announcing regularly scheduled meetings are not allowed.
- Signs announcing a date specific event may be posted up to ten calendar days prior to event; signs must be removed within one business day after the event. These time restrictions do not apply to major university initiatives such as Homecoming, Roadrunner Days, Graduation, Student Government Association elections, and Orientation.
- Directional signs may be posted up to one calendar day prior to the event and must be removed by the calendar day after the event.
- Directional signs must include the event name and the sponsoring organization. Announcement signs must include the dates(s) of the event, the event name and the sponsoring organization.
- Any sign that is 24 x 18 (or smaller) corrugated plastic with a stake(s) made from 8 or 9 gauge steel (approximately 3mm in diameter) may be placed on UTSA property by the organization. Due to underground utilities and irrigation, any sign larger than 24 x 18 or one with a stake(s) larger than 3mm in diameter must be placed by the Office of Facilities; the organization will be charged for this service.
- Signs on stakes may be displayed within the perimeter of campus, but not along UTSA Boulevard. No sign may be posted in flower beds, next to fire hydrants, blocking other signs, or impeding the flow of traffic. See the yard sign map in the Office of Student Activities for suggested locations on UTSA property.
- If the signs are not removed by the required date, the organization/department may be billed for the removal.
- The university reserves the right to remove signs for violations of this policy, for safety-related reasons, or to prevent any confusion regarding official university events.
Approval Process
- Bring a copy of the yard sign to the Office of Student Activities (UC 1.02.08 or DB 1.302).
- Complete the yard sign log (organization/department name, contact information, number of signs, event information, etc.).
- Post your sign. (Refer to "g." in Regulations above.)
- Remove the signs within one business day. (Refer to "e." and "f." in Regulations above.)
- General Provisions
Dates Approved/Amended