Chapter 8 - Facilities and University Services
Publication Date: January 15, 1998
Polivy Reviewed Date: December 11, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Business Affairs
8.11 Selection and Monitoring of Food Service Contractors
The 75th Texas Legislature passed House Bill 3125 which allows student participation in the selection and retention of food service providers on campus. The bill states in part:
The governing board of an institution of higher education shall develop and implement policies that provide the students at the institution with a reasonable opportunity to appear before any committee or other entity that is determining whether a food service provider should be selected or retained by the institution.
The University's Business Services Advisory Committee, comprised of students, faculty and administrators shall serve as the primary institutional vehicle to review the performance and provide customer satisfaction feedback on the food service contract. This committee, chaired by the Vice President for Business Affairs, shall also review food service issues such as menu selection, pricing and operating hour adjustments. The Student Government Association President will be one of the three student members in this Committee. The Student President will select the two additional students who will serve as members in the Committee for one-year terms.
The Committee shall involve the student members from the Committee in the process of evaluating future food service proposals as well. The students from the Committee will participate in the technical evaluation of future food service bids. Additionally, the Committee will meet with the Director of Dining Services a minimum of once per semester to discuss new service offerings or enhancements to the program. The Committee will also schedule Town Hall meetings to allow all students the opportunity to meet with the Director of Dining Services and University staff responsible for monitoring the food service contract to discuss issues of concern.