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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 10 - Research
Publication Date: February 28, 2020
Policy Reviewed Date: June 13, 2024
Policy Owner: VP for Research, Development, and Knowledge Enterprise

10.16 Hazardous Waste Management Program


The UTSA Hazardous Waste Management Program is administered by Laboratory Safety and Compliance LS&C. Each member of the University community, however, is responsible for the proper management of hazardous materials or wastes used or generated by that individual. This responsibility includes compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including proper identification and labeling of all hazardous materials and guidelines and procedures established by LS&C.

UTSA encourages each member of the University community to have a positive attitude toward proper hazardous waste management and a commitment to waste reduction. Commitment by the University community to these goals can greatly reduce escalating hazardous waste disposal costs and ensure compliance with applicable laws.

UTSA has applied for and received an identification number from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) identifying UTSA as a hazardous waste generator. UTSA is a generator of Hazardous Waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). UTSA is subject to regulations applicable to non-industrial large quantity generators.

The primary federal law governing the management of hazardous waste is the RCRA. Regulations implementing RCRA are promulgated and enforced by EPA. The primary state law governing the management of hazardous waste is the Solid Waste Disposal Act, found in the Health and Safety Code. Regulations implementing the Solid Waste Disposal Act are promulgated and enforced by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

This University program must comply with all the "General Facility Standards" including accumulation time; general waste analysis; security; general inspection requirements; personnel training; contingency and emergency procedures; record keeping and reporting requirements, and use and management of containers.

This program is developed to give generators of hazardous waste at The University of Texas at San Antonio a better understanding of Federal and State hazardous waste disposal regulations and to explain The University's program for compliance.


This policy provides guidelines for the administration of UTSA’s Hazardous Waste Management Program.


This policy applies to all UTSA employees and students.



UTSA or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations

  1. UTSA HOP policy 9.05 Occupational Safety and Health

Other Policies & Standards

  1. Texas Health & Safety Code, Chapter 502, Hazard Communication Act
  2. Texas Health & Safety Code, Chapter 506, Public Employer Community Right-To-Know Act
  3. Texas Mold Assessment and Remediation Rules (TMARR)
  4. Texas Asbestos Health Protection Regulations (TAHPR)
  5. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Airborne Pollutants (NESHAP)
  6. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
  7. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
  8. The Texas Department of State Health Services, Radiation Control Program
  9. OSHA — Laws, Regulations and Interpretations
  10. OSHA — Construction Industry Standards
  11. US DOT — Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
  12. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  13. World Health Organization (WHO)


If you have any questions about HOP 10.16 Hazardous Waste Management Program, contact the following office(s):

The Office of Laboratory Safety and Compliance, Hazardous Materials Management:


Emergency telephone numbers

Campus Emergency Number: (210) 458-4911
Laboratory Safety and Compliance, Hazardous Materials Management: (210)458-5808
Radiation Safety Office: (210) 458-5807
Student Health Services: (210) 458-4142
University Police (non-emergency): (210) 458-4242
SE TX Poison Control Center at UT-Medical Branch (Galveston, TX): (800) 764-7661


Disposal - The discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, or placing of any hazardous waste (whether containerized or uncontainerized) into or on any land or water so that such waste or any constituent thereof may enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any water, including ground waters.

EPA Identification Number - The number assigned by the US EPA to the UTSA as a registered generator of hazardous waste.

Facility - Includes all contiguous land, and structures, other appurtenances, and improvements on the land for storing, processing or disposing of municipal hazardous waste.

Generator - Any person, by site, who produces hazardous waste; any person who possesses municipal hazardous waste to be shipped to any other person; or any person whose act first causes the waste to become subject to regulation.

Hazardous Waste - Any solid waste material that exhibits a hazardous characteristic or is listed specifically, as described in Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 261, Subpart C and D. Refer to UTSA's Laboratory Safety Manual for specific characteristics and lists.

Processing - The extraction of materials, transfer, volume reduction, conversion to energy, or other separation and preparation of waste for reuse or disposal, including the treatment or neutralization of hazardous waste, designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of any hazardous waste so as to neutralize such waste, or as to recover energy or material from the waste so as to render such waste non-hazardous or less hazardous; safer to transport, store, and dispose; or amenable for recovery, amenable for storage, or reduced in volume.

Recyclable Material -Wastes that are recycled or employed in a particular function or application as an effective substitute for a commercial product.

Storage - The holding of waste for a temporary period, at the end of which the waste is processed, disposed of, recycled, or stored elsewhere.

Transporter - Any person who conveys or transports hazardous waste by truck, ship, pipeline or other means.

Waste - Any material for which there is no use and which is to be discarded as valueless.


  1. Generator
    1. UTSA employee who requests disposal services.
    2. Assures that the laboratory waste is prepared for disposal in accordance to the procedures outlined in this policy. 
    3. Informs the LS&C Hazardous Materials Management, (210) 458-5808, of any special handling requirements.
  2. Laboratory Safety & Compliance, Hazardous Materials Management
    1. Administers the UTSA Hazardous Waste Management Program.
    2. Collects the waste material in accordance to the procedures outlined in this policy.


  1. Emergency Procedures for Laboratory Personnel
    1. Laboratory personnel must complete training on the hazards associated with laboratory chemicals used and how to respond to emergencies. Safety Data Sheets are an excellent source for training information and should be compiled for all chemicals used or stored within each laboratory. Special clean up (spill) supplies should be available in each area where chemicals are used and personnel trained on how to use these supplies. Hazardous waste disposal procedures (see next section) should be followed for disposal of contaminated clothing, rags, absorbent materials or other waste generated from clean-up of spills or leaks.
  2. Hazardous Waste Disposal Procedures:
    1. The generator requesting disposal service shall:
      1. Assure that the laboratory waste is correctly identified by chemical name/common name.   Chemical formulas are not acceptable.
      2. Inform the LS&C Hazardous Materials Management of any special handling requirements.
      3. Place labeled containers of liquid/solid chemical waste in a conspicuous area that is convenient for pick up. Do not place containers in the corridors or areas where waste could cause a health exposure to personnel.
      4. Insure that containers of liquid and solid chemical waste are in good condition so that handling can be done in a safe manner, and that containers do not leak at a later date. Containers must be suitable for the types of chemicals they hold and must be suitable for storage for at least 90 days. Containers must be closed or sealed in such a manner that leakage will not occur.
      5. All waste containers must be properly segregated and clearly marked regarding the contents, hazards and other pertinent information.
      6. Complete the appropriate Hazardous Waste Disposal Form on-line through LS&C web site for each container of waste materials.
        1. Generator name is the person in charge of the laboratory. 
        2. Building/Room is the location of the lab where the waste was generated. 
        3. Phone is the telephone extension of the lab generating the waste
        4. Date requested is the date in which a request was made to LS&C Hazardous Waste Management for a waste pick up and thereby the date that the generator declared the chemical(s) to be a waste.
        5. Chemical contents are the names (in full) of the chemical(s) constituting the waste, including water. 
        6. All chemicals in the waste must be accounted for.
        7. Conc/vol is either the concentration or the volume of each chemical listed in chemical contents. This is very important in hazardous waste determination. 
        8. Hazard - indicate all applicable hazards of the waste by checking the appropriate box.
      7. After completing the information on the appropriate online request form, submit the request electronically, print the form and attach the form to the waste container. Call the LS&C, (210) 458-5808, if you need assistance.
    2. LS&C Hazardous Waste Management shall:
      1. Collect the waste material from the requestor at the Satellite Accumulation Area upon receipt of a pick-up request.  
      2. Segregate the waste materials according to compatibility before transporting the wastes.
      3. Transport the waste materials to the Central Accumulation Area (CAA) on the UTSA West Campus where the wastes are "bulked" (if possible) and accumulated.
      4. Coordinate disposal requirements with generators, provide a storage facility for hazardous wastes, maintain records of disposal services, and provide reports as appropriate to federal and/or state agencies.
    3. Disposal
      1. Ultimate disposal shall be accomplished off-site by our waste contractor at a permitted Transportation, Storage, Disposal Facility (TSDF).
      2. The service contractor's chemist shall package the lab pack chemicals, label the shipping containers, and complete a manifest in accordance with Federal/State requirements.
      3. The service contractor shall transport the hazardous waste to the permitted TSDF. Certificates of disposal shall be furnished to UTSA by the service contractor.
      4. Commercial disposal shall be accomplished when the quantity of waste warrants such service but prior to 90 days storage.




Radioactive waste disposal procedures: UTSA Radiation Safety Manual.
Hazardous Waste Disposal Form


Prudent Practices and Special Concerns