Chapter 2 - Faculty and Academics
Previous Publication Date: July 31, 2013
Publication Date: September 28, 2020
Policy Reviewed Date: November 17, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Academic Affairs
2.09 External Joint Appointments
External joint appointments with in-state public institutions must follow procedures established as part of this policy. Both faculty from outside The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) to be appointed to a position at UTSA, and UTSA faculty seeking a joint appointment at another in-state, public institution are governed by these procedures. This policy does not apply when (a) the other institution is part of The University of Texas System (UT System), or (b) UTSA has entered into a contractual relationship to operate a joint degree program with the other institution.
The policy is intended to ensure that the quality of individuals from outside UTSA receiving joint appointments with UTSA is consistent with that of UTSA faculty, and that their appointment adheres to UTSA appointment procedures. The policy also is intended to ensure that the UTSA faculty seeking joint appointments at another in-state, public institution receive prior approval from UTSA administration.
The policy applies to:
- All tenured and tenure-track faculty from an in-state, public institution outside UTSA and the UT System, or with which UTSA does not have a contractual relationship seeking a joint appointment with UTSA, and
- All UTSA tenured and tenure-track faculty seeking a joint appointment with a non-UT System in-state, public institution or an in-state, public institution with which UTSA does not have a contractual relationship.
This policy does not apply when the other institution is a part of UT System or when UTSA has entered into a contractual relationship to operate a joint degree program with the other institution.
- Regents' Rule 31001, Faculty Appointments and Titles
- UTSA Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) policy 2.02, Faculty Appointments and Titles
- Texas Government Code, Sections 771.001-10
If you have any questions about HOP policy 2.09, External Joint Appointments, contact the following office:
Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs 210-458-4110
External Joint Appointment: The appointment of an Incoming Joint Appointee or an Outgoing Joint Appointee.
Incoming Joint Appointee: Tenured and tenure-track faculty from outside UTSA to be appointed to a position at UTSA, that are from an institution (a) that is not part of UT System, and (b) with which UTSA has not entered into a contractual relationship to operate a joint degree program.
Outgoing Joint Appointee: Tenured and tenure-track UTSA faculty seeking a joint appointment at an institution (a) that is not part of UT system, and (b) with which UTSA has not entered into a contractual relationship to operate a joint degree program.
The president of UTSA delegates to the Provost the authority to approve Incoming and Outgoing Joint Appointees as well as extensions of existing joint appointments.
- Joint Appointment for an Incoming Joint Appointee:
- Department Chair
- Sends memo to dean outlining the responsibilities, need of the department and value added to the university and recommending Incoming Joint Appointee(s) for non-tenure joint appointments.
- Dean
- Sends memo to Provost outlining the responsibilities, need of the department and value added to the university
- Includes Letter of Joint Appointment stating without tenure, dates of employment and with or without salary
- If approval is granted by Provost, after receiving that approval, notifies appropriate individual at other institution that approval is granted so the paperwork can be started.
- Provost
- Reviews requests and recommendations for Incoming Joint Appointments, decides whether to approve the appointment and communicates the decision to the dean.
- Department Chair
- Joint Appointments for an Outgoing Joint Appointee:
- Faculty Member
- Informs his/her department chair of the offer and submits a written request for approval from university administration
- Department Chair
- Makes recommendation to the dean regarding approval of the request
- Includes as supporting documentation the duties of the individual, title, with or without salary, and if with salary the percentage of appointment and individual’s total workload
- Dean
- Makes recommendation to the Provost regarding approval of the request
- If Provost approved the Outgoing Joint Appointee, dean then notifies the appropriate individual at the other institution
- Provost
- Reviews requests and recommendations for Outgoing Joint Appointments, decides whether to approve the appointment and communicates the decision to the dean.
- Faculty Member
- Previously Made Joint Appointments:
- Department Chair
- No later than April of each year, reviews previously made joint appointments of individuals from other institutions at UTSA and determines whether any will be recommended for an additional year.
- Provides list of such recommendation(s) to the dean.
- Dean
- Submits list of previously made joint appointment of individuals from other institutions at UTSA recommended for an additional year to Provost.
- Submits list of UTSA faculty members who have been offered an additional one-year joint appointment at another institution to Provost.
- If applicable, communicates Provost’s approval of UTSA faculty member who has been offered an additional one-year joint appointment to the appropriate individual at the other institution for completion of the necessary paperwork.
- Provost
- Reviews requests and recommendations for extensions of previously made joint appointments (both incoming and outgoing), decides whether to approve the appointment for an additional year and communicates the decision to the dean.
- Department Chair
- Joint Appointment for an Incoming Joint Appointee:
- An Incoming Joint Appointee should be recommended for non-tenure joint appointments (whether with regular or adjunct titles and whether with or without salary) through the department chair, dean and Provost’s office, using appropriate UTSA non-tenure track appointment forms and accompanied by appropriate documentation of qualifications.
- Adjunct titles will not be used between the UTSA and the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
- The rank used will be that which the individual normally carries at her/his home campus.
- As part of the support documentation, the dean should indicate the responsibilities the recommended individual will have, the reasons(s) the department and college need the person, and the value the prospective appointee will have to the University.
- A Letter of Appointment for the Provost’s signature must be included with the materials sent forward. The letter must specify that the appointment is without tenure, with or without salary and if salary is involved, the salary amount and percentage of the individual’s total workload. It must also state that the appointment is concurrent with and will not extend beyond the term of the appointment on the faculty member’s home campus.
- An Incoming Joint Appointee with tenure at another institution may not hold tenure at UTSA.
- Joint Appointments for an Outgoing Joint Appointee:
- A UTSA faculty member must inform her/his department chair of the offer and submit a written request for approval from the University’s administration. Such approval must be obtained prior to the faculty member accepting a joint appointment at another institution.
- An Outgoing Joint Appointee should be recommended only for non-tenure joint appointments at the other institution.
- The department chair recommends to the dean and the dean to the Provost that the joint appointment of the UTSA faculty member with another institution be approved.
- As part of the support documentation for the approval, the responsibilities of the recommended individual should be indicated, as well as her/his title, whether or not it is with salary; and if a salary is involved, the salary amount and percentage of the individual’s total workload.
- If the Provost approves the request, the dean must notify the appropriate individual at the other institution that approval is granted so that the necessary paper work can be initiated at the other institution to accomplish the joint appointment of the UTSA faculty member.
- Memorandum of Appointment for Outgoing Joint Appointees
- After the initial Letter of Appointment is sent out, the outgoing jointly appointed UTSA faculty members will receive the annual Memorandum of Appointment prepared by the UTSA Personnel Office.
- An appointment is not to exceed September 1 through August 31 of any academic year.
- Deadline for Joint Appointment Paperwork
- Paper for Incoming Joint Appointees and Outgoing Joint Appointees should be completed no later than April of the year preceding the proposed period of appointment.
- Previously Made Joint Appointments
- Previously made Joint Appointments of individuals from other institutions at UTSA are to be reviewed annually by the department chair, no later than April. A list of those already holding such appointments who are being recommended by the department chair for an additional joint appointment during the following academic year are to be submitted by each dean to the Provost for approval and transmittal to the head of the other institution.
- The Provost must also receive from each dean a list of UTSA faculty members who have been offered an additional one-year joint appointment at another institution. If approved by the Provost, the decision will be communicated by the dean to the appropriate individual at the other institution for completion of the necessary paperwork.
- Exchange of Funds
- In situations in which an incoming or outgoing individual is involved in minor but active participation on the secondary campus, no exchange of funds will be made.
- Where an individual has a substantive involvement in a teaching or research activity on the secondary campus, such as the assignment for the teaching of a course for a semester or a year, provisions will be made for the exchange of funds in compliance with the reimbursement method in Texas Government Code, sections 771.007 and 771.008. . Under such circumstances, UTSA will enter into a contract for services that will not be directly related to the salary of the individual concerned. That is, the individual will continue to be paid full-time by her/his home campus, but an exchange of funds will be made for services rendered.