Policies that have been created, revised, or superseded within the last three months are listed here.
New Policies
2.52 - Modified Workload for Faculty with Dependency-Changing Event (November 14, 2019)
2.53 - Phased Faculty Retirement for Tenured Faculty (June 10, 2022)
4.33 - Jean Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) and Campus Fire Safety Right to Know Reporting (January 14, 2021)
4.34 Family Leave Pool (August 21, 2023)
5.21 Student Pregnancy and Parenting Nondiscrimination Policy (January 14, 2024)
9.51 - Youth Protection Program (January 14, 2024)
9.52 - Prohibition of Camping on University Property (April 24, 2024)
10.17 Controlled Substances in Research: (March 15, 2022)
11.10 Web Accessibility Compliance: (August 2, 2022)
11.11 Software and Hardware Asset Management (April 4, 2023)
11.12 Password Change (April 4, 2023)
Consolidated Policies
11.01 Information Resources Use and Security: August 2, 2022
11.02 Data Owner: August 2, 2022
11.03 Acceptable Use: August 2, 2022
11.04 Information Security Incident Response: August 2, 2022
11.05 Position of Special Trust: August 2, 2022
11.06 Application Administrator Policy: August 2, 2022
11.07 Cloud Computing: August 2, 2022
11.08 Confidentiality of Social Security Number (Rules of Conduct): August 2, 2022
11.09 Website Criteria and Requirements: August 2, 2022 (Renumbered from 8.13)
Revised Policies
1.01 – Administrative Officers (December 17, 2019) : Substantive change
1.02 - Appointment of Academic Administratros: Dean and Department Chairs/School Directors (February 2, 2021): Expedite review change
1.03 - Evaluation of Academic Administrators (March 16, 2021): Expedite review change
1.33 - Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities (November 13, 2019) : Non-substantive change
2.01 - The Faculty: Role in Educational Policy Formulation (August 29, 2023): Substantive change
2.02 - Faculty Appointments and Titles (March 6, 2023) : Full review change
2.03 - Emeritus Academic Titles (October 1, 2019) : Non-substantive change
2.04 - Faculty Recruitment (August 19, 2021): Expedite review change
2.07 - Part-Time Appointment for Tenured Faculty (December 16, 2022) : Substantive change
2.11 - Annual Faculty Performance Evaluation for Merit Consideration (December 8, 2021): Full review change
2.12 - Student Evaluations of Teaching (March 15, 2021): Expedite review change
2.13- Termination and Nonreappointment of a Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty Member (August 10, 2021): Expedite review change
2.14 - Faculty Workload Requirement (September 10, 2021): Expedite review change
2.17- Final Examinations (August 30, 2022): Full review change
2.20 - Peer Observation of Teaching (January 8, 2021): Expedite review change
2.21 - Academic Program Assessment (March 8, 2021) : Non-substantive change
2.24 - Third-Year Review (June 2, 2023): Substantive change
2.25 - Faculty Development Leave Program (November 7, 2022): Substantive change
2.29 - Teacher Certification Program Process (April 2, 2021): Expedite review change
2.29 - Educator Preparation Program (April 16, 2021): Expedite review change
2.30 - Extended Education and the Awarding of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) at UTSA (August 10, 2021): Expedite review change
2.34 - Faculty Grievance Procedure (August 1, 2023): Full review change
2.35 - Substantive Change Procedures Required to Obtain Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Approval (March 30, 2021): Expedite review change
2.38 - Academic Program Abandonment (March 5, 2021): Expedite review change
2.38 - Elimination of Academic Positions and Program Closures (March 5, 2021): Expedite review change
2.40 - Administrative Grade Change (February 14, 2022 ): Full review change
2.41 - Endowed Chairs, Professorships, and Faculty Fellowships (August 1, 2023): Full review change
2.46 Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (October 19, 2022): Full review change
2.50 - Fixed-Term-Track Faculty Recruitment, Evaluation, and Promotion Processes (April 16, 2024) : Expedite review change
2.52 - Modified Workload for Eligible Faculty with Certain Dependency-Changing Events (January 14, 2021): Expedite review change
3.01 - Annual Performance Management Program for Classified and A& P Employees (Non-Faculty) (July 6, 2023): Full Review Change
3.03 Discipline and Dismissal of Classified Employees (October 5, 2023): Full Review Change
3.04 Grievances of Non-Faculty Employees (January 11, 2024): Full Review Change
4.02 - Rights and Responsibilities: Consolidated to HOP 2.46 Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (October 19, 2022): Full review change
4.09 - Student Employees (June 23, 2023) : Nonsubstantive change
4.27 - State Compensatory Time (October 1, 2024) : Full review change
4.30 – Criminal Background Checks (September 6, 2019) : Full review change
4.32 – Institutional Conflicts of Interest (February 7, 2020) :Full review change
5.02 - Regulations Relating to Student Organizations (January 11, 2021): Expedite review change
5.04 - Off-Campus Speakers (January 11, 2021): Expedite review change
5.05 - Certification of Employment for Resident Tuition (October 16, 2019) : Non-substantive change
5.06 - On-Campus Interviewing of UTSA Students for Purposes of Employment (January 11, 2021): Expedite review change
5.07 Use of Student Union Facilities (January 11, 2021) : Expedite review change
5.13 - Posthumus Degrees (July 24, 2023): Full review change
5.14 - Employer/Student Events (January 11, 2021): Expedite review change
5.15 - Administration of Scholarships (March 16, 2021): Expedite review change
5.18 - Travel or Events that Involve Students and Other Non-Employee Participants (June 8, 2022) : Expedite review change
8.02 - Property Accouting Responsibilities (June 29, 2022): Full review change
8.05 - Use of University Facilities by Outside Groups: Joint Sponsorship (March 16, 2021): Expedite review change
8.06 - Special Use Facilities (February 16, 2022): Full review change
9.01 - Nondiscrimination (June 5, 2023): Full review change
9.13 - Minors Children on Campus (January 27, 2021): Expedite review change
9.02 - Persons with Disabilities (January 26, 2021): Expedite review change
9.04 - Consensual Relationships (October 2, 2024): Full review change
9.06 - Compliance with the Texas Hazard Communications Act (January 22, 2022): Ownership transferred to VPREDKE
9.16 - Use of Alcoholic Beverages (June 1, 2022): Full review change: Policy updated
9.21 - Records and Information Management and Retention (January 6, 2022): Full review change
9.22 - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Human Immunodificiency (May 12, 2023): Expedite review change
9.23 Procedures Governing Private Gift Solicitation, Acceptance, and Management: (September 19. 2022)
9.24 - Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct (Septepmber 22, 2022) : Expedite review change
9.27 - Guidelines for the Internal Audit Committee (March 13, 2020) : Full review change
9.29 - Naming of Buildings and Facilities (May 5, 2023) : Full review change
9.36 - Tobacco, Smoke, and Vape Free Campus (March 5, 2021) : Expedite review change
9.37 - Peaceful Public Assembly (June 6, 2024): Expedite review change
9.45 - Assessment of Administrative, Academic, and Stutdent Services (March 8, 2021) : Expedite review Change
9.49 - Cellular Phones and Services (December 9, 2019) : Non-substantive change
10.03 - Guidelines for Organized Research Units (October 6, 2022) : Full review change
10.04 - Conflicts of Interest in Research and Intellectual Property (December 16, 2019) : Non-substantive change
10.06 – Institutional Base Salary on Sponsored Programs: (April 28, 2022): Full review change
10.07 – Cost Sharing on Sponsored Programs: (April 29, 2022): Full review change
10.08 – Cost Transfers on Sponsored Programs: (April 29, 2022): Full review change
10.10 – Human Research (May 5, 2022): Full review change
10.12 - Sponsored Programs Administration (February 9, 2021): Full review change
10.13 - Minors in Laboratories or Similar Facilities (November 5, 2020) : Non-substantive change
10.14 - Fixed Price Award Residual Balances (February 9, 2021): Full review change
10.15 - Management, Use and Commercialization of UTSA Intellectual Property (May 14, 2020) : Non-substantive change
10.16 - Hazardous Waste Management Program (February 28, 2020) : Non-substantive change
10.18 - Compliance with the Texas Hazard Communications Act (January 22, 2022): Ownership transferred to VPREDKE
11.09 Website Criteria and Requirements: October 12, 2022: Non-substantive change: Hyperlinks update
Retired Policies
The policies listed below were deemed obsolete and therefore retired.
2.17- Final Examinations (September, 2022)
2.18 - Off-Campus Courses for Credit (March, 2021)
2.20 - Academic Travel (March, 2011)
2.23 – Professional Expectations for Faculty Policy (January, 2014)
2.27 - Intellectual Property (January, 2014)
Replaced by policy 10.04, Conflicts of Interest in Research & Intellectual Property
2.28 - Procedures for Dealing with Allegations of Misconduct in Science (August, 2011)
Replaced by policy 10.02, Misconduct in Research or in Other Scholarly Activities
2.31 - Library Matters (January, 2011)
2.33 Faculty English Proficiency (August, 2021)
2.40 - Administrative Grade Change (February, 2022)
2.43 - Agreements Involving Joint and Dual Academic Awards (March, 2021)
4.05 - Outside Employment of UTSA Employees and the Appointment of Employees of Other Texas State Agencies and Public Education Institutions to Positions at UTSA (July 20, 2021):
Placeholder for Policy 1.33, Conflicts of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities
4.10 - Approved Pay for Personnel Services Paid from University Funds Other than Regents' Budgeted Appointments (April, 2014)
4.11 - Fees for Services (July, 2013)
4.15 - Power to Bind the UT System (January, 2012)
4.16 - Communications with the State Legislature and Other State Agencies (June, 2014)
4.31 - Conflicts of Interest (December, 2019)
5.01 - Responsibilities of the Vice President for Student Affairs (July 19, 2011)
5.12 - Prohibition of Sexual Assault (September, 2013)
5.16 - Student Fitness and Performance in the College of Education and Human Development (July, 2011)
6.02 - UT San Antonio Standing Committees - incorporated into policy 6.01 (February, 2012)
8.16 - Information Security Administrator Policy (March, 2022)
8.19 - Server Administrator Policy (March 1, 2022)
9.07 - Restrictions Against the Use of Federal Funds for Anyone Who has Engaged in Conduct Involving the Use of Force Against the University (August, 2010)
9.17 - Computer Security (February, 2011)
9.19 - Administration of the Student Deposit Endowment Fund (May, 2022)
9.24 - Energy Management Program (June, 2011)
10.05 – Managing and Certifying Effort on Sponsored Programs (April, 2022). Merged HOP 10.06
View the Table of Contents or search the HOP.