Chapter 9 - General Provisions
Previous Publication Date: September 1, 1997
Publication Date: May 5, 2023
Policy Reviewed Date: December 5, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Advancement and Alumni Engagement
9.29 Naming of Buildings, Facilities, and Programs
The University of Texas at San Antonio (University) may name buildings, facilities, programs, and academic units in honor of individuals and entities that promote the University's educational and cultural mission or to recognize exceptional contribution or services to the University or society. All such naming actions will be in accordance with the Regents’ Rules and Regulations of the U. T. System Board of Regents.
The naming of buildings, facilities, and programs at the University is one manner in which the University can honor individuals important to the institution, give prominent recognition for eminence in intellectual, artistic or other endeavors associated with the mission of the university; or show its appreciation for a substantial gift benefiting the University. Recommendations for any institutional naming shall be based on what is in the best interest of the University and must undergo a high level of consideration and due diligence to ensure that the naming conforms with the purpose and mission of the University.
This policy applies to all employees directly involved in fundraising, donor recognition, and honorific endeavors for the University, including administrators, deans, faculty, and staff.
- University of Texas System Policies or the Board of Regents' Rules & Regulation
- UT System Board of Regents’ Rule 80307, Naming Policy
- UT System Board of Regents’ Rule 60301, Development Board of an Institution
- UT System Policy UTS138, Gift Acceptance Procedures
If you have any questions about this HOP 9.29. Institutional Naming of Buildings, Facilities and Programs, contact the following office:
- A. The Office of the Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Engagement
- Office of Development
- Facility or Facilities
- All physical rooms, buildings, spaces or other real property. The U. T. System, through its Vice Chancellor for External Relations, Communications and Advancement Services, in consultation with the UT System Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, determines a facility’s prominence.
- Prominent Facilities generally include all university buildings and athletic and major facilities.
- Other Prominent Facilities are areas such as wings and other major components of academic, athletics, and arts facilities, large auditoria, concert halls, atria, prominent outdoor spaces, and laboratories.
- Less Prominent Facilities are such places as classrooms, seminar and meeting rooms.
- All physical rooms, buildings, spaces or other real property. The U. T. System, through its Vice Chancellor for External Relations, Communications and Advancement Services, in consultation with the UT System Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, determines a facility’s prominence.
- Honorific Naming
- A naming in honor of an individual or organization for extraordinary contributions made to the university or to the public while in public office. An honorific naming is granted under special circumstances and is exceptional in nature.
- Naming
- The application and direct association of an individual, organization, or corporation name to a University facility, program, or other University entity.
- Programs
- Programs are either designated as Prominent Programs, Other Prominent Programs, or Less Prominent Programs as determined by the Vice Chancellor for External Relations, Communications and Advancement Services, in consultation with the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academics.
- Prominent Programs are major non-physical entities, such as colleges, schools, and academic departments. Prominent programs must be approved by the Board of Regents of the UT System.
- Other Prominent Programs are such programs as academic centers, programs, institutes, and organized research units. Other Prominent Programs must be approved by the Chancellor of the UT System.
- Less Prominent Programs are considered as academic centers, programs, and institutes. Less Prominent Programs may be approved by the University President except any Corporate Naming must be approved by the Chancellor of the UT System.
- President
- Consults with the Vice President of Advancement and Alumni Engagement (VPAAE) to secure naming opportunities that meet institutional standards for the University.
- Considers and approves all less prominent naming opportunities for individuals (non-corporate).
- Forwards all recommendations for corporate naming (prominent and less prominent) and all recommendations for prominent naming for individuals to the Chancellor or Board of Regents’ through the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
- Office of the Vice President of Advancement and Alumni Engagement (VPAAE)
- Establishes criteria and guidelines for naming opportunities within the institution.
- Receives, reviews, and approves recommendations for all naming opportunities for University buildings, facilities and programs of any nature prior to submission to the President for consideration and approval if appropriate. The VPAAE is responsible for consulting with the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs (VPBA) and the Provost and Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- Facilitates communication between VPAAE departments, UT System, Facilities, and all other appropriate departments.
- Office of Development
- Collaborates with University administration, Donor(s) and the appropriate VPAAE offices to secure naming opportunities.
- Office of University Architect
- As appropriate, and upon final approval of a naming, collaborates with VPAAE, and the College/Unit to install and update signage according to established standards and guidelines for all naming's.
- Collaborates with VPAAE and University Marketing to ensure appropriate signage to avoid confusion about location or function of the designated building or facility, and to enhance the ability to identify and locate a named item while ensuring the naming continues to honor as intended.
- University Marketing
- Works with VPAAE and the University Architect to follow all naming recognition branding guidelines.
- Recommenddations
- Recommendation for naming opportunities of buildings, facilities, programs, and/or academic units should be submitted to the Office of Development.
- Any individual, inside or outside the University community, may submit a recommendation for a naming opportunity.
- Each naming recommendation will take into consideration established criteria and follow the guidelines established by VPAAE and Regents Rules and must be approved by the President of the University.
- Evaluation
- Request for approval will be evaluated on the appropriateness of a naming based on the reputation and profile of the donor or honoree, nature of the facility or program to be named, proposed naming gift, and whether displaying the name is and will continue to be a positive reflection on the university.
- A naming that brings into question the reputation of the University is subject to rejection or termination after approval..
- Finalizing
- Once approval is received, the unit will work with VPAAE and the appropriate offices across campus to finalize the naming.
- Any costs incurred to a new naming or name change are to be covered by the Department, Unit, and/or College in which the naming occurs.
XIII. Dates Approved/Amended