UTSA delays semester start due to inclement weather. Classes are cancelled on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Be sure to check UTSA Today and the university’s official Instagram, Facebook and X channels for more information and latest updates.

Pre-Physical Therapy Pathway

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Admissions Pathway

Physical Therapists work with patients who have been in an accident, have a medical condition, or have had surgery to relieve their pain, help them regain their physical strength and get back their independence



UTSA does not offer a degree for Physical Therapy. Students can complete their pre-requisites toward PT school application.

Semester PT Pre-requisite Course Sequence Guide Activity Log Template


Timeline for physical therapy school applicants. This timeline is subject to change based on students’ competitiveness and readiness to apply.

physical therapy school application timeline

Pre-requisite Coursework

Before applying to a Physical Therapy program, schools will expect you to establish academic readiness through undergraduate coursework. Physical Therapy schools have specific coursework that is required for admission.

Research the requirements of the schools where you plan to apply as PT course requirements will and can vary from school to school. You can consult the individual Physical Therapy school websites for information on admission requirements.

Common Coursework Requirements for Texas PT Programs

The below science and math courses are common among each PT program; students should check individual websites for additional course pre-requisite requirements.

Biology requirements

BIO 1203 + BIO 1201 (lab)
BIO 1223 + BIO 1221 (lab) (*new course numbers effective fall 2022)

Anatomy & Physiology:

BIO 2053 + BIO 2051 (lab) 
BIO 2063 + BIO 2061 (lab)

Chemistry requirements:

CHE 1103 + CHE 1121 (lab)
CHE 1113 + CHE 1131 (lab)

Physics requirements:

PHY 1603 + PHY 1611 (lab)
PHY 1623 + PHY 1631 (lab)

Statistics (Approved courses)

STA 1053 or STA 1403 or PSY 2073

*BIO 1404 and BIO 1414 (previous Biology course numbers still meet approved Biology pre-requisites.
