Pre-Veterinary Medicine Pathway
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Admissions Pathway
Veterinarians protect the health and welfare of animals. They diagnose and control animal diseases, treat sick animals, prevent the transmission of animal diseases to people, and advise owners on proper care of pets and livestock.
UTSA does not offer a degree for Veterinary Medicine. Students can complete their pre-requisites toward Veterinary school application.
Semester Vet Pre-requisite Course Sequence Guide | Activity Log Template |
Timeline for veterinary school applicants. This timeline is subject to change based on students’ competitiveness and readiness to apply.
Pre-requisite Coursework
Before applying to a Veterinary Medicine program, schools will expect you to establish academic readiness through undergraduate coursework. Veterinarian schools have specific coursework that is required for admission.
Research the requirements of the schools where you plan to apply as course requirements will and can vary from school to school. You can consult the individual Vet school websites for information on admission requirements.
Coursework Requirements for Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine
The below courses are for Texas A&M veterinary program. If also applying out of state, please check each school website for their direct pre-requisite coursework requirements.
Biology requirements
BIO 1203 + BIO 1201(lab) and
BIO 1223 + BIO 1221 (lab) (*new course numbers effective fall 2022)
BIO 2313 (lecture only)
Chemistry requirements
CHE 1103 + CHE 1121 (lab) and
CHE 1113 + CHE 1131 (lab)
Organic Chemistry requirements
CHE 2603 + CHE 2612 (lab) and
CHE 3643 + CHE 3652
BCH 3303 Effective Fall 2024 this is the new course number for non-chemistry majors.
BCH 3313 this is the new course number for Chemistry/Biochemistry majors.
Physics requirements
PHY 1603 + PHY 1611 (lab) or
PHY 1943 + PHY 1951 (lab)
changes effective for entry year 2026: only 4 sch of Physics required
Statistics (Approved courses)
Texas Tech will accept either STA 1053 or STA 1403 or PSY 2073 or MS 1023
Texas A&M requires STA 1403 or STA 3003
Speech: COM 2113
Animal Nutrition: BIO 3183
BIO 1404 and BIO 1414 (previous Biology course numbers still meet approved Biology pre-requisites)
BIO 3513 or CHE 3303 or CHE 3313 (previous catalog course numbers will still meet the Veterinary school pre-requisite for Biochemistry)
Microbiology previous catalog course numbers BIO 3713 + 3722 or BIO 1053 + BIO 1061 will still meet the Veterinary school pre-requisite.