Purchasing Training

Learn how to procure goods and services in accordance with federal, state and system regulations.

You will learn about the purchasing process and workflow, basic procurement information, terminology and methods. You will also learn how to manage purchasing compliance, HUB requirements and spending thresholds.

After completing this class, you will be able to:
  • Recall basic procurement terms and procurement process
  • Successfully apply various procurement methods
  • Exercise required state and UTSA purchasing guidelines
  • Identify bid requirements and best value procurements

An employee involved in the procurement process or who will generate requisitions in Rowdy Exchange.

Your will learn how to create requisitions by entering the required information when purchasing goods and services in Rowdy Exchange.

After completing this class, you will be able to:
  • Navigate Rowdy Exchange;
  • Know the Rowdy Exchange procurement process workflow
  • Recall procurement processes and terminology
  • Create a Rowdy Exchange profile
  • Enter speedcharts and account codes
  • Shop and correctly checkout per request
  • Enter a purchase order change (POC)

Any employee who requires requester permission and has completed the Purchasing Rules and Regulations course (AM0580).

Job Aids:

You will learn how to enhance your understanding and experience with Rowdy Exchange.

After completing this class, you will be able to:
  • Recall the requisition and purchase order structure, and functions within Rowdy Exchange
  • View purchase order payment status
  • Complete copier forms
  • Split funding and account codes
  • Know how and when to create ‘Amount Only’ purchase orders
  • Search documents and create receipts and partial receipts

Faculty and staff responsible for creating and initiating department purchasing requisitions for goods and services in Rowdy Exchange.

Job Aids: