Accounting Services Training

Learn how to utilize the monthly financial reconciliation process and chart of accounts to ensure fiscal integrity of university resources.

You will get an overview of the PeopleSoft Chart of Accounts structure, terminology and concepts

After completing this online class, you will be able to:

  • Explain UTShare/PeopleSoft Chart of Accounts terminology, concepts and shortcuts
  • Identify Chart of Accounts resources and forms
  • Review the basic structure for the UTShare/PeopleSoft Chart of Accounts
  • Understand Chartfield strings

Employees responsible for creating, reporting and reconciling financial transactions.

Job Aids

You will learn the definition, purpose and requirements for reconciling. You will get an overview of the SAHARA application and reconciliation process.

After completing this class, you will be able to:

  • Correctly define reconciliation
  • Understand the purpose of the reconciliation process
  • Summarize how monthly reconciliations are done and the various requirements
  • Identify changes to the monthly reconciliation process
  • Understand differences between the Monthly Financial Report (MFR) and SAHARA reconciliation

Department financial reconcilers and approvers/owners

Job Aids

In this pre-recorded webinar, you will get an overview of the SAHARA application for financial reconciliations at UTSA. You will learn about navigation, how SAHARA works and the reconciliation information provided by the SAHARA application. You will also learn how SAHARA supports the reconciliation process.

After completing this class, you will be able to:

  • Understand SAHARA and its capabilities
  • Navigate through the SAHARA application
  • Conduct SAHARA reconciliations

Department financial reconcilers and approvers/owners

Job Aids

Department managers responsible for annual financial certification

Job Aids


Financial Stewardship & Compliance Job Aid

Management Assessment Tool (MAT) is a reference document designed to assist administrators/managers with financial stewardship and annual certification requirements. MAT includes common recommendations and resources for department managers. Ensures new department managers are aware of resources and training available to them.