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Handbook of Operating Procedures
University Regulations
Publication Date: October 15, 1996

UTSA Procedures for Proposing Amendments to the HOP

The University of Texas at San Antonio policies are owned by a responsible executive (Vice President). In the development process, policies receive rigorous review by the Handbook of Operating Procedures Committee (comprised of representatives from each VP area, Faculty Senate, Staff Council and Student Government). Policies are also reviewed by identified stakeholders and the Office of Legal Affairs. The President and The University of Texas System Office of General Counsel provide final approval.

Policy Development Process

Policy 9.03 HOP Amendment Approval Process

HOP Committee

Policy Development Process

Policy Template

Policy Submission Form

Policy Changes

Changes to HOP policies will be posted to this website. See New, Revised and Deleted Policies for a listing of all changes occurring in the last ninety (90) days.

The Office of Institutional Compliance and Risk Services maintains this website. It also assists policy owners in the development, revision and approval stages of policies. If you have questions about this site or the process of developing policies, please contact us.

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