Table of Contents
Administration | Faculty and Academics | Staff | Personnel - General | Students | Committees
Athletics | Facilities and University Services | General Provisions | Research | Policy Process
- 1. Administration
- 1.01 - Administrative Officers
- 1.02 - Appointment of Academic Administrators: Deans and Department Chairs
- 1.03 - Evaluation of Academic Administrators
1.33 - Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities
1.34 - Visiting Scholars and Researchers - 2. Faculty and Academics
- 2.01 - The Faculty
- 2.02 - Faculty Appointments and Titles
- 2.03 - Emeritus Academic Titles
- 2.04 - Faculty Recruitment
- 2.05 - Faculty Appointments, Salaries, Payment Plans, Distribution of Checks
- 2.06 - Medical Absences and Teaching Continuity
- 2.07 - Part-Time Appointment for Tenured Faculty
- 2.08 - Appointments of Faculty to Centers within UTSA
- 2.09 - External Joint Appointments
- 2.10 - Faculty Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure
- 2.11 - Annual Faculty Performance Appraisal for Merit Consideration
- 2.12 - Student Evaluations of Teaching
- 2.13 - Termination and Nonreappointment of a Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty Member
- 2.14 - Faculty Workload and Minimum Faculty Teaching Requirement
- 2.15 - Textbooks and Other Materials by UTSA Faculty Prescribed for Student Use
- 2.16 - Acceptance of Money from Students
- 2.17 - Final Examinations
- 2.18 - Off-Campus Courses for Credit (Deleted March 2, 2021)
- 2.19 - Security of Student Records
- 2.20 - Peer Observation of Teaching
- 2.21 - Academic Program Assessment
- 2.22 - Comprehensive Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty
- 2.23 - Faculty Compensation for Additional Duties and Salary Adjustments
- 2.24 - Third-Year Review
- 2.25 - Faculty Development Leave Program
- 2.27 - Deleted March 2014
- 2.28 - Appointing Former Tenure-Track Faculty Members to Nontenure-Track Faculty Positions
- 2.29 - Teacher Certification Program Process
- 2.30 - Extended Education and the Awarding of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) at UTSA
- 2.31 - Deleted January 2011
- 2.32 - Administration of Courses Offered in Shortened Format
- 2.33 - Faculty Proficiency in English (Deleted August 12, 2021)
- 2.34 - Faculty Grievance Procedures
- 2.35 - Substantive Change Procedures Required to Obtain Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Approval
- 2.36 - Procedures for Review of Nonreappointment of a Nontenured Tenure-Track Faculty Member
- 2.37 - Scholastic Dishonesty
- 2.38 - Academic Program Abandonment
- 2.39 - Academic Program Review
- 2.40 - Administrative Grade Change
- 2.41 - Endowed Chairs, Professorships and Faculty Fellowships
- 2.42 - Research Space Utilization
- 2.43 - Educational Programs and Courses Offered Through Collaborative Academic Arrangements (Deleted March 2, 2021)
- 2.46 - Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
2.50 - Fixed-Term-Track Faculty Recruitment, Evaluation, and Promotion Processes- 2.51 - Semester Credit Hour
2.52 - Modified Workload for Eligible Faculty with Certain Dependency-Changing Events
- 3. Staff
- 3.01 - Annual Non-Faculty Performance Evaluation Program
- 3.02 - Staff Recruitment
- 3.03 - Discipline and Dismissal of Personnel
- 3.04 - Grievances of Non-Faculty Employees
- 3.05 - Reduction in Force for Classified Employees
- 3.06 - Probationary Period For Classified Employees
- 4. Personnel - General
- 4.01 - Code of Ethics
- 4.02 - Rights and Responsibilities (Consolidated to 2.46, effective October 19, 2022)
- 4.03 - Appointment of Relatives (Nepotism)
- 4.04 - Salary of Individuals Holding Both Faculty and Administrative Assignments
- 4.05 - Outside Employment of UTSA Employees and the Appointment of Employees of Other Texas State Agencies and Public Educational Institutions to Positions at UTSA (Deleted July 20, 2021)
- 4.06 - Employee Discount Program
- 4.07 - Payment of Salary Supplements to University Employees and Non-Standard Payments to Persons who are not Employees of UTSA
- 4.08 - Employee Education and Training
- 4.09 - Student Employees
- 4.10 - Deleted June 2014
- 4.12 - Overtime for Non-Exempt Employees
- 4.13 - Retirement and Modified Service
- 4.14 - Separation of Employment for UTSA Personnel
- 4.15 - Deleted January 2012
- 4.16 - Deleted June 2014
- 4.17 - Contact with the Office of General Counsel
- 4.18 - Procedures for Handling Legal Processes, Citations, Notices, Demands, etc.
- 4.19 - Involvement of the University and University Personnel in Community or Political Affairs
- 4.20 - Authorized Leave
- 4.22 - University Communications
- 4.23 - Registration of Faculty and Staff Organizations
- 4.24 - Hiring of Foreign Nationals - replaces AMS 4.1
- 4.25 - Replaced by policy 4.30
- 4.26 - Sick Leave Pool
- 4.27 - State Compensatory Time
- 4.28 - Assignments to UTSA Campuses and Associated Locations
- 4.29 - Hours of Work for Staff (Non-Faculty) Employees
- 4.30 - Criminal Background Checks
- 4.31 - Conflicts of Interest (Deleted November 13, 2019) Duplication 1.33 Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities
- 4.32 - Institutional Conflicts of Interest
- 4.33 - Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) and Campus Fire Safety Right to Know Reporting
- 5. Students
- 5.01 - Student Rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- 5.02 - Regulations Relating to Student Organizations
- 5.03 - Student Publications
- 5.04 - Off-Campus Speakers
- 5.05 - Certification of Employment for Resident Tuition
- 5.06 - On-Campus Interviewing of UTSA Students for Purposes of Employment
- 5.07 - Use of University Center Facilities
- 5.08 - Returned Checks and Debt of Students
- 5.09 - Class Attendance
- 5.10 - Student Tuition and Fee Installment Plan, Requirements, Consequences for NonPayment
- 5.11 - Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act
- 5.12 - Deleted September 2013
- 5.13 - Posthumous Degrees
- 5.14 - Employer/Student Events
- 5.15 - Administration of Scholarships
- 5.16 - Deleted July 2011
- 5.17 - Student Fitness for Professional Practice
- 5.18 - Travel or Events that Involve Students and Other Non-Employee Participants
- 5.19 - Mandatory Use of Release/Indemnification Forms
- 5.20 - Authorization for Waiver of Mandatory or Incidental (Discretionary) Fees for Qualifying Academic Programs
- 6. Committees
- 6.01 - University Committees
- 6.02 - Deleted February 2012, incorporated into policy 6.01
- 7. Athletics
- 7.01 - Athletic Program
- 7.02 - Investigating Potential NCAA Violations
- 8. Facilities and University Services
- 8.01 - Building Space Records and Inventory
- 8.02 - Property Accounting Responsibilities
- 8.03 - Remodeling and/or Alterations to University Facilities
- 8.04 - Keys and UTSA Card Access to University Facilities
- 8.05 - Use of University Facilities by Outside Groups
- 8.06 - Special Use Facilities
- 8.07 - "Best Value" Procurement
- 8.08 - Use of Campus Mail Services
- 8.09 - Administration, Operation, and Recording of University Vehicles
- 8.11 - Selection and Monitoring of Food Service Contractors
- 8.12 - Information Resources Use and Security Policy (Consolidated to 11.01, effective August 2, 2022)
- 8.13 - The Organization and Appropriate Use of the Internet at UTSA (Consolidated to 11.09, effective August 2, 2022)
- 8.14 - Data Owner Policy (Consolidated to 11.02, effective August 2, 2022)
- 8.15 - Acceptable Use Policy (Consolidated to 11.03, effective August 2, 2022)
- 8.16 - Information Security Administrator Policy (Deleted March 2022)
- 8.17 - Information Security Incident Response (Consolidated to 11.04, effective August 2, 2022)
- 8.18 - Position of Special Trust (Consolidated to 11.05, effective August 2, 2022)
- 8.19 - Server Administrator (Deleted March 2022)
- 8.21 - Application Administrator (Consolidated to 11.06, effective August 2, 2022)
8.22 - Cloud Computing (Consolidated to 11.07, effective August 2, 2022) - 9. General Provisions
- 9.01 - Nondiscrimination
- 9.02 - Persons with Disabilities
- 9.03 - Handbook of Operating Procedures Amendment Approval Process
- 9.04 - Consensual Relationships
- 9.05 - Occupational Safety and Health
- 9.06 - Compliance with the Texas Hazard Communication Act (Renumbered 10.18)
- 9.07 - Lost, Abandoned, and Unclaimed Personal Property
- 9.08 - Texas Public Information Act
- 9.09 - University Posting of Materials
- 9.10 - Solicitation of Any Kind and Distribution of Newspapers and Other Materials on the UTSA Campus
- 9.11 - Reproduction of Copyright Materials
- 9.12 - The Use of the University Name, Seal, Logo, and Athletic Emblem (Roadrunner)
- 9.13 - Minor Children on Campus
- 9.14 - Parking Violations
- 9.15 - Campus Closure Due to Weather or Safety Considerations
- 9.16 - Use of Alcoholic Beverages
- 9.17 - Deleted March 2011
- 9.18 - Drugs and Alcohol
- 9.19 - Administration of the Student Deposit Endowment Fund (Deleted Effective May 17, 2022)
- 9.20 - Guidelines for Managing Endowments
- 9.21 - Records Management and Retention
- 9.22 - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Hepatitis B Virus
- 9.23 - Procedures Governing Private Gift Solicitation, Acceptance, and Management
- 9.24 - Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
- 9.25 - renumbered to 10.16 Hazardous Waste Management Program
- 9.26 - Historically Underutilized Business Initiative
- 9.27 - Guidelines for Internal Audit Committee
- 9.28 - Replaced with policy 10.03
- 9.29 - Naming of Buildings and Facilities
- 9.30 - Drug and Alcohol Testing (Certain Holders of Commercial Drivers' Licenses)
- 9.31 - State Employment and Selective Service Registration
- 9.33 - Collections Management Policy for the Center for Archaeological Research
- 9.34 - Repatriation Policy for the Center for Archaeological Research
- 9.35 - Confidentiality of Social Security Numbers (Rules of Conduct) (COnsolidated to 11.08, effective August 2, 2022)
- 9.36 - Tobacco Free and Smoke Free Campus
- 9.37 - Peaceful Public Assembly
- 9.38 - Guidelines for Service Centers and Institutes
- 9.40 - Compliance Training
- 9.41 - Affiliated Organizations
- 9.42 - Auxiliary Enterprises
- 9.43 - Sustainability
- 9.45 - Assessment of Programs and Services
- 9.46 - Travel Policy
- 9.47 - Use of Residential Conference Centers
9.48 - Carrying of Concealed Handguns on Campus
9.49 - Cellular Phones and Services
9.50 - Major Events Hosted by Non-University Users - 9.51 - Youth Protection Program
- 10. Research Administration
- 10.01 - Export Control
- 10.02 - Misconduct in Research or in Other Scholarly Activities
- 10.03 - Guidelines for Organized Research Units
- 10.04 - Conflicts of Interest in Research & Intellectual Property
- 10.05 - Managing and Certifying Effort on Sponsored Programs (Deleted 4-27-2022)
- 10.06 - Institutional Base Salary on Sponsored Programs
- 10.07 - Cost Sharing on Sponsored Programs
- 10.08 - Cost Transfers on Sponsored Programs
- 10.09 - Research and Other Sponsored Projects Data or Record Ownership and Retention
- 10.10 - Human Research
- 10.11 - Use of Animals in Research, Teaching, Testing, or Public Exhibitions
- 10.12 - Sponsored Programs Administration (formerly known as 9.32)
- 10.13 - Minors in Laboratories or Similar Facilities
- 10.14 - Fixed Priced Award Residual Balances
- 10.15 - Management, Use and Commercialization of UTSA Intellectual Property
- 10.16 - Hazardous Waste Management Program
- 10.17 - Controlled Substances in Research
- 10.18 - Compliance with the Texas Hazard Communication Act
- 10.10 - Human Research