Third-Party Payments

Third-party payments are defined as payments received by an outside agency that is billed through our third-party sponsored billing. Third-party sponsored billing is a billing method by which an entity, such as company, corporation or government agency, can establish direct invoicing and payment on behalf of the student. Employers who reimburse their employees directly or sponsors that pay based on the student’s grades are not eligible for third-party billing.

Examples of Third-Party Payments

  • Payments through a partnered organization, such as Bright Horizons, Guild or Texas Workforce commission
  • State pre-paid college plans, such as Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan, Texas Promise Fund or Private 529 College Savings Plans
  • Military tuition assistance

These Are NOT Third-Party Payments

  • Payments made by parents or family members
  • Employers who reimburse their employees directly
  • Sponsors that pay based on the student’s grades
  • Payments made by GI Bill or Hazelwood

How It Works

Provide the Sponsorship Documentation

The student must provide sponsorship documentation, such as a letter, financial guarantee, authorization, etc., issued from their sponsor to the Third-Party Billing Office in person or via email and should contain the information below. Most documentation provided to you will include this information, but validate they are included.

  • Student name and student ID number.
  • The beginning and ending date of the sponsorship.
  • Types of fees covered (tuition, fees, health insurance, housing, meal plan, etc.).
  • Restrictions in funding related to financial aid that may be received by a student.
  • The sponsor's billing email, address and phone number.
  • The letter must also state that UTSA will be paid directly. Payments should never be sent to the student directly.

Please note documentation should be provided at least 10 days prior to payment deadline.

Pre-Credit Applied

Once the sponsor's letter is received, a “pre-credit” or “anticipated payment credit” for the amount authorized by the sponsor will be applied to your account. The pre-credit does not constitute actual receipt of payment. It is credit placed on the account based on the condition of an expected payment and allows an extension while we await the receipt of funds from your sponsor. This helps avoid late fees and/or being dropped from courses when a sponsor is paying for all or part your tuition.

Note about Financial Aid: These payments are counted as a financial aid resource and should be disclosed to One Stop. If you do not disclose this information and aid has already been paid out or disbursed, there may be adjustments to your financial aid. If you received a refund of your aid as a result of the “pre-credit,” any adjustments may result in a balance due.

UTSA Invoices Outside Agency 

UTSA will invoice the outside agency directly for the approved amount of tuition and fees listed on the forms you submit. If your sponsor/employer does not pay the full expected amount listed, you are responsible for any unpaid amount.

Types of Third-Party Payments

Partnered Organizations

Information about specific third-party sponsors can be found below. This is not an exhaustive list of available sponsors.

AmeriCorps automatically notifies UTSA once you submit your Segal Educational Award payment request. You will receive a “request pending” email from AmeriCorps the same day you make your request. Once UTSA has processed the payment request, you will receive a “request processed” email from AmeriCorps. Allow Fiscal Services up to two weeks for processing.

For questions, email Fiscal Services or call 210-458-6037.

If you have questions about your education benefits process, contact EdAssist using the live chat or the call the phone number listed on your documentation. Contact information varies by sponsor/employer. If you do not have documentation yet, reach out to your employer’s education benefits administration.

Email a copy of your approved Letter of Credit/Voucher to the Third Party Office every semester, including your student ID#/ABC123, at least 10 days prior to payment deadline.

For questions, email Third-Party Billing.

If you have questions about your education benefits or sponsorship letter, email Guild Education.

Once you’ve received your approved letter, complete the bottom portion to include your signature and student ID#/ABC123, and then email to the Third-Party Office every semester prior to payment deadline.

For questions, email Third-Party Billing.

Students who plan to use Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) benefits should contact their TWC counselor directly to discuss eligibility and to begin the sponsorship process. TWC counselors are required to submit a Service Authorization (SA) for all eligible charges every semester. The SA should be submitted as soon as possible or at least 10 days prior to payment deadline.

For questions, email Third-Party Billing.


State Prepaid College Plans

The Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan enrollment, requirements and payments are determined and maintained by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. To link up your benefits with your student account, complete the TGTP Request form and email it, along with the other information listed on the form, to Third-Party Billing.

For questions, email Third-Party Billing.

The Texas Tuition Promise Fund enrollment, requirements and payments are determined and maintained by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. The purchaser (account holder) should authorize use of units using the student’s EID on the Texas Tuition Promise website at least three weeks prior to the tuition payment deadline each semester to allow for the plan to submit the information to UTSA’s Third-Party Billing Office.

For questions, email Third-Party Billing.

Students who plan to use a prepaid plan from a state other than Texas should submit a plan benefit letter to the Third-Party Office at least 10 days prior to the due date of the term. The plan benefit letter must include the student's prepaid plan rate and remaining prepaid plan benefits. Students should contact their prepaid plan directly to receive a copy of the plan benefit letter.

For example, UTSA has processed these out of state prepaid plans in the past:

  • College of Illinois 529 Prepaid Tuition Plan
  • Florida Prepaid College Plan
  • Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College Savings Program (MPACT)
  • Alabama Prepaid Affordable College Tuition Program (PACT)
For questions, email Third-Party Billing.

Different states have different requirements for application and remittance of payment. Therefore, it is recommended that you contact your state’s 529 plan directly.

Checks* can be mailed to:

UTSA Fiscal Services
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249

*Include the student’s ID# or ABC123 on the memo line.

For questions, email Fiscal Services.



Hazlewood and Veterans are processed through the Center of Military Affiliated Students.

Military students planning to use Tuition Assistance must speak with their Educational Services Officer. Once you have your approved documentation, email a copy to Third-Party Billing.

For questions, email Third-Party Billing.


Information for Potential Third-Party Sponsors

Third parties are sponsoring organizations or agencies who take responsibility for paying a student's tuition and fee balance. Third parties do not include parents or other family members. To determine whether your agency is currently approved as a sponsor, contact the Third-Party Billing Office.

If your agency would like to be considered as a new third-party sponsor, contact the Third-Party Billing Office. Note that new sponsor establishment can take up to 30 business days. To expedite the process, include a letter of sponsorship on letterhead and include the following information:

  • Agency name
  • Point of contact, including name, email, phone number and agency address
  • Student name and university ID number
  • Beginning and ending date of the sponsorship
  • Types of fees covered (tuition, fees, health insurance, housing, meal plan, etc.)
  • Restrictions in funding related to financial aid that may be received by a student
  • Billing address
  • The letter must also state that UTSA will be paid directly. Payments should never be sent to the student directly.

Contact Information:

Third-Party Billing 
Phone: 210-458-2825