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Compliments & Complaints
UTSA Public Safety is committed to providing the best possible service to the Roadrunner community. We follow our guiding principles of honor, excellence, accountability, respect and teamwork, and we welcome community feedback on how we are doing. We take every complaint, including anonymous complaints, seriously and ensure they are tracked and reported each year. The Annual Complaint Summary can be reviewed at any time.
Submitting Feedback
Formal compliments and complaints can be submitted online, in person or by mail.
To submit feedback in person, visit our office on the Main Campus in the Bosque Building. To submit feedback by mail, please use the following address:
When submitting a compliment or complaint, it is important to include such pertinent information as the date, time and locations, which help us identify the event and those involved. You do not need to know the name of the employee to submit feedback.
Compliments received are forwarded to the employee, and a copy is placed in his or her personnel file. Although our employees do not expect to be thanked for everything they do, recognition of exceptional service is always appreciated, and this kind of feedback helps us know if we are doing a good job.
We are committed to investigating all legitimate complaints of employee misconduct. Please submit your concerns as soon as possible so we can route the issue to the employee’s supervisor. Complaints received are thoroughly investigated by a person designated by the chief of police. If the investigator determines that an employee violated department policies or procedures, appropriate corrective action will be taken. The chief of police reviews all complaints and findings.
We will contact you within 15 days of your submission if you request to be contacted. If a Public Safety representative does not contact you within that period, you may call us at 210-458-4242.