UTSA delays semester start due to inclement weather. Classes are cancelled on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Be sure to check UTSA Today and the university’s official Instagram, Facebook and X channels for more information and latest updates.

3rd Year Checklist

As a junior, you will complete advanced coursework for your major and consider internship opportunities, chances to study abroad and begin to truly contemplate life after graduation. As you may know, your UTSA academic advisor provides many resources to help you make the most of your junior year. Your advisor assists you in evaluating your academic and personal goals and helps calculate your successful progression to graduation and beyond.

Here are a few things to consider and discuss with your advisor:

  • Am I required to have a minor or a concentration?
  • When is my projected graduation term?
  • When should I apply to graduate?
  • What resources are available for me to locate possible internships and/or jobs?

To get the most out of your college experience, make an appointment to meet with your advisor!


  1. Academic advising check-in!

    Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your semester progress, available academic resources and opportunities, and confirm future semester classes as indicated on your DegreeWorks plans, and your path towards graduation.

  2. Find your center of balance!

    It’s never too late to get active on campus.

  3. Career, vocational, and graduate school planning!

    Tick tock, it’s time to start planning for the future. Visit the Career Center or speak with your advisor about internship opportunities.

  4. A whole world experience!

    Gain a world perspective by traveling the world through study abroad with your UTSA faculty.

  5. A successful transition!

    Start exploring life beyond college and making plans so that you’re ready for your big graduation day. It’s not far now!

  6. Help us help you!

    Stay informed of the many campus resources available to you in order to make your college career a success.

  7. View your Academic Evaluation online!

    Your DegreeWorks evaluation will outline the list of courses necessary to complete the Core requirements and for your Major courses. Log in to DegreeWorks to get started.