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University Guests
Understanding Hospitality & Entertainment Expenditures
On occasion, you may find yourself hosting special guests on or off campus, where a hospitable and warm, friendly environment is necessary to welcome their stay while university duties are carried out as planned. Because these special types of expenses, that may involve meals and light refreshments and lend themselves to be present in a more relaxed environment, the flexibility with which your funding sources are selected should mutually align to support the university’s institutional mission.
Some qualifying events are associated with official administrative board meetings, donor cultivation, fundraising, etc., to help support, foster and solidify the university’s limitless collective social networks. Equally important, and provided your spending flexibility using these accounts, prudence and good judgement should also accompany what is considered best practice.
How to Process Hospitality & Entertainment Expenditures
Complete a Business Expense Form (BEF) to better account for your entertainment expenses, and include it with your purchase order invoice, non-PO voucher or expense report, as applicable.
Job Aids to Help You Process Hospitality and Entertainment Expenses
- Business Hospitality and Entertainment
- Processing Non-Purchase Order Vouchers
- Creators of Non-PO Vouchers
- List of Budget Checking Errors
- Travel Reimbursement Process