One Card Program


To provide guidance on how to obtain, use and account for expenditures on a Citibank® issued One Card. This guideline and the Financial Guideline – Clickwrap Agreements apply to One Card users and departmental administrators involved in this process.


UTSA is authorized by the State of Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts to participate in the Citibank® One Card program and issue state-authorized credit cards to eligible users. At a minimum, UTSA must comply with the requirements established by the agencies and legislation below, although UTSA may also choose to be more restrictive:

University Guidelines

Table of Contents
  1. Responsibilities
  2. Eligibility
  3. Applying for and Receiving One Cards
  4. Online Orders
  5. Allowed Transaction Types
  6. Purchases
  7. Travel Expenses
  8. Hospitality Expenses
  9. Limits
  10. Restrictions
  11. CitiManager and Citibank Customer Service Access
  12. Documentation and Retention
  13. Monthly Reconciliation and Payment
  14. Card Changes
  15. Declined, Disputed and Fraudulent Transactions
  16. Lost, Stolen or Damaged One Cards
  17. Departmental Controls
  18. Training
  19. Non-Compliance Consequences

A. Responsibilities

Citibank issues the One Card and provides card management services.

Cardholders must comply with this guideline and applicable regulatory, statutory, grant, funding source, departmental/program and UT/UTSA requirements, policies and procedures. These include, but are not limited to, state rules for the use of credit cards and for travel. Cardholders are personally liable to UTSA for any personal, unauthorized and/or inappropriate use of the card. Use of the One Card for charges other than official UTSA business, including for personal purposes, is a direct violation of the state's contract with Citibank, the State of Texas Charge Card Program and Texas Administrative Code Rule 20.413 State Travel Credit Cards.

Cardholders must also

  • Secure the One Card and account number at all times
  • Not allow anyone else to use the One Card to complete in-person, telephone or online charges or to sign a charge receipt.

Department managers are responsible for approving One Card applications, validating appropriate usage of the One Card for official UTSA business and ensuring compliance with this guideline (and any other applicable requirement) when authorizing monthly One Card payments.

If tasks are delegated, the department manager retains primary responsibility for ensuring that transactions are appropriately reviewed, approved, documented and completed in a timely manner. 

The Credit Card Administration office administers UTSA’s One Card program and is the primary liaison between UTSA and Citibank.

B. Eligibility

Only current faculty and staff employees and graduate research assistants may be eligible for One Cards.

Prospective employees and student employees are not eligible for One Cards.

One Cards are issued in the name of an individual. Departments can have multiple One Cards, however, the department manager’s responsibilities remain the same.

C. Applying for and Receiving One Cards

The applicant must be a UTSA employee familiar with UTSA travel and purchasing rules and regulations, business contracts processes and procedures, export controls, the Prompt Payment Law and vendor holds.

  1. The applicant must read and understand this guideline, then sign the One Card Application and Agreement using DocuSign® and forward to their supervisor for approval.
  2. If the supervisor approves, the supervisor signs and forwards the application to the department manager to update as follows:
    • Enter the proposed single transaction limit and credit limit (see Limits)
    • Enter the default cost center that will pay for all authorized card charges
    • Sign the application as department manager for the default cost center certification. Note: Vice presidents and deans who are department managers may delegate approval authority for One Card applications by sending a signed delegation of signature authority to the deputy chief financial officer and senior associate vice president for Financial Affairs.
  1. The department manager must route the completed and signed form to the Credit Card Administration office for processing.
  2. The Credit Card Administration office reviews the application and resolves any discrepancies. The Credit Card Administration office will return the application to the department manager for correction and resubmission as needed.
  3. If approved, the Credit Card Administration office orders the card from Citibank and notifies the applicant, the supervisor and the department manager.
  4. Citibank will send the One Card to the applicant’s UTSA campus address, as provided in the One Card Application and Agreement.
  5. The applicant acknowledges receipt of the card, establishes a PIN and registers the card account on Citibank's CitiManager® online system. Please refer to the Card Activation, CitiManager Registration and Website Navigation guide for specifics to this process.

For questions regarding applying for and receiving a One Card, email the Credit Card Administration office at To request changes to an existing One Card, see Card Changes.

D. Online Orders

Security: Cardholders must ensure supplier/vendor websites are encrypted, secure and do not store credit card numbers. Concur, the approved travel and car rental agencies and UTSA Amazon Business Prime have been approved to store credit card numbers. Any other exceptions will require approval from the assistant vice president of Supply Chain, director of Purchasing, director of Disbursements and Travel Services (DTS) and credit card program manager.

Click Wrap Agreements: Clickwrap agreements are standard online terms and conditions that require a user to click “accept” before purchasing goods or services. Clickwrap agreements pose a number of risks to UTSA. Cardholders must review and understand the Financial Guideline – Clickwrap Agreements and may only use clickwrap agreements as allowed by that guideline.

E. Allowed Transaction Types

One Cards may be used for the following as requested by department managers:

  • Purchases: Payment for goods and services within the card’s monthly and single purchase limits
  • Travel: Authorized travel expenses, subject to UTSA travel guidelines
  • Hospitality: Certain hospitality expenses can be charged to One Cards with special event privileges.

F. Purchases

If an item is available on Rowdy Exchange, cardholders must order through Rowdy Exchange and not the One Card. UTSA encourages use of Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB), which are also listed on Rowdy Exchange. Departments can contact their designated procurement specialist for assistance. 

Designated cardholders have access to the UTSA Amazon Business Prime account as an alternate purchasing platform (i.e., if the item is not available on Rowdy Exchange). For more information, see the One Card Reconciliation and Payment Processing course available at MyTraining.

  • Review the One Card purchase limitations and restrictions to verify that neither the business nor the item is restricted and that the item falls within the single transaction and credit limits, including any shipping and handling charges
  • Complete all of the vendor’s requirements for tax exempt status prior to placing an order, which may include a Texas Sales Tax and Use Tax Exemption Certificate. UTSA is exempt from Texas sales tax.
  • Have all items delivered to a UTSA address, not the employee’s home address.

G. Travel Expenses

Business travel outside of the traveler’s designated headquarters requires prior approval, whether or not there is a cost to UTSA (see Financial Guideline — Travel Authorization).

Financial Guideline — Travel Reimbursement defines allowable travel expenses, which might include lodging, transportation, conferences or other expenses. Meal expenses are not allowed on One Cards, because UTSA provides per diem reimbursements if business travel exceeds one day. 

Cardholders must also

H. Hospitality Expenses

Departments/cardholders may only incur hospitality expenses on cards with approved special event privileges. Special event privileges allow transactions with certain restricted businesses and purchase of certain restricted commodities in support of business-related hospitality. Approval of special event privileges is at the discretion of the assistant vice president for supply chain or designee.

To request special event privileges

  • If the hospitality expenses will be funded by a cost center other than an Official Occasions cost center, complete the Addendum for Special Events and combine with it one of the forms below.
  • For a new One Card, the department manager must complete the Special Event Privileges section of the One Card Application and Agreement.
  • To add or remove special event privileges for existing One Cards, complete a CMR form. See Card Changes for more information.

It is strongly recommended the applicant take the Business Related Hospitality and Entertainment training prior to applying for special event privileges.

Only expenses authorized in Financial Guideline — Business Related Hospitality and Entertainment Expenditures are allowed. Departments/cardholders must also adhere to the requirements of that guideline, including submitting an approved Business Expense Form (BEF).

I. Limits

The standard single purchasing and hospitality transaction limits are $5,000, including freight/shipping and all other related charges:

  • Transactions must not be split over time, or between vendors, recipients, etc., with intent to circumvent the single transaction limit. Repetitive purchases are limited to $15,000 maximum per vendor per fiscal year.
  • Purchases using federal funds are subject to OMB Uniform Guidance, 2CFR Part 200.
  • Purchases of electronic goods are limited to $499.99 per item (including shipping and handling). Purchases of multiple items that together exceed this limit will involve Credit Card Administration review.

The standard purchasing and hospitality credit limit is $10,000. Departments can request higher or lower limits than the standard. Use the One Card Application and Agreement form (for new cards) or the CMR form (existing cards). 

Credit limits for travel are based on departmental need and may be subject to the single purchase limitation.

J. Restrictions

The One Card can be used for expenses as allowed by Merchant Category Codes (MCC). Departments/colleges may request that the Credit Card Administration office add certain MCCs to One Cards, using the CMR form.

Vendor On Hold: Per the State of Texas Procurement and Contract Management Guide, users are required to conduct a vendor hold search for any transaction over $500 no earlier than the seventh day before purchase completion/contract execution. Cardholders must check the vendor’s status via the State Vendor Hold Search Tool tile located on PeopleSoft’s landing page prior to completing a purchase and keep a screenshot (see Documentation and Retention). For more information, refer to the Payment Holds financial guideline.

International Vendors: Do not transact with individuals or entities on U.S. government restricted, denied, debarred, designated or blocked persons lists. Cardholders must submit a restricted party screening request to the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) at prior to engaging the vendor, regardless of dollar amount.

Participant, Speaker, Evaluator Agreements (exempt agreements) must be fully approved prior to paying for any reimbursable items with the One Card.

Past Due Invoices: Do not use the One Card to pay a past due invoice. Past due invoices must go through UTSA’s accounting system for late payment interest calculation. The Prompt Payment Law stipulates that payment is due 30 days from the date goods/services are received/completed, or a correct invoice is received, whichever is later. A payment is considered overdue beginning on the 31st day, and interest accrual begins on that date. For more information, see Financial Guideline — Texas Prompt Payment Law.

Restricted Businesses
Do not use One Cards with the following businesses, unless otherwise specified:

  • Attorneys
  • Banks/ATMs
  • Bars/lounges/pubs
  • Caterers*
  • Consultants
  • Electronics stores (only allowed for items $499.99 or less)
  • Entertainment providers
  • Grocery stores*
  • Liquor/package stores
  • Pharmacies
  • Restaurants*
  • Wholesale clubs*

*Only allowable with special event privileges.

Restricted Commodities
Do not use One Cards for the following items, unless otherwise specified:

  • Mobile hotspots for any Wi-Fi enabled device
  • Per diem meals
  • Personal items
  • Purchases that require a contract or include an auto-renew feature
  • Purchases with Specific Requirements which need a purchase requisition, for example
    • Amount Only items
    • Animals
    • Biologics
    • Controlled substances
    • Cylinder gases
    • Equipment leases
    • Equipment shipped to a non-UTSA location
    • Hazardous chemicals (must be approved by Laboratory Safety)
    • Lasers
    • Multi-functional devices
    • Professional services
    • Radioactive materials
    • Temporary staffing or search firm services
    • Vehicles
  •  Social, charitable, entertainment and recreational memberships or dues, including all chambers of commerce. See Financial Guideline — Memberships Paid by University Funds for details
  • Table sponsorships
  • Travel services that require a contract

*Only allowable with special event privileges.

Exceptions to Restrictions

UTSA may authorize certain exceptions to meet specific business requirements. Exceptions may require a CMR form prior to approval.

K. CitiManager and Citibank Customer Service Access


To review transaction history and download credit card statements, cardholders should logon to CitiManager. For more information, see the Card Activation, CitiManager Registration and Website Navigation presentation.

Citibank Customer Service

Cardholders can call the Citibank Customer Service Center for account inquiries, using the contact numbers provided on the card and providing the last four digits of their employee ID.

Authorized to Inquire (ATI) access

Cardholders may grant another individual inquiry access to their One Card account. ATI access is limited to UTSA employees only. To add, change or delete an ATI, the cardholder must complete the Citibank Commercial Cards - Add/Change Authorized to Inquire (ATI) Form.

ATIs are authorized to access account information, request copies of statements and place charge disputes.

ATIs cannot access CitiManager on behalf of the cardholder.

Program Administrator access

Program Administrator (Read Only) access allows department and college offices to logon to CitiManager to view the following for all One Cards issued within their division/college:

  • Spending by cardholder
  • Available credit, current balance, previous balance and current amount due
  • Disputed transactions
  • Transaction authorizations and declines
  • Daily, cycle and monthly number of transactions.

Program Administrators cannot call the Citibank Customer Service Center to obtain cardholder transaction information. The following individuals may authorize Program Administrator access for up to three delegates, using the Program Administrator form:

  • President and vice presidents (for their executive area)
  • Deans, associate/assistant deans and associate/assistant vice presidents (for their college/administrative area). 

L. Documentation and Retention

Cardholders/departments must obtain the following documentation:

Departments must submit this documentation as part of the monthly reconciliation and payment process.

Departments must retain relevant documentation (including the items listed above) for one year from the statement date. Electronic retention is accepted. These documents must be readily available for audits and reviews and must be shredded before disposal.

M. Monthly Reconciliation and Payment

Department managers must ensure reconciliation/review and payment of all One Card charges by the 20th of each month (or other published deadlines due to holidays, short months or fiscal year-end), not the payment due date on the card statement, in order to comply with the Texas Prompt Payment Law. For more information, see Financial Guideline Texas Prompt Payment Law.

Department managers must ensure sufficient funds are available to pay One Card balances in full.

To review and pay for One Card transactions:
  1. Cardholders obtain monthly credit card statements from the CitiManager website.  
  2. Cardholders and department managers must review the statement to ensure
    • All transactions were made by the cardholder and authorized and amounts are correct. See Declined, Disputed and Fraudulent Transactions for unauthorized or incorrect transactions.
    • All transactions are for UTSA business purposes and comply with policies and guidelines.
  3. To authorize payment, the department creates a Non-PO Voucher in PeopleSoft. For more information, see the One Card Reconciliation and Payment Processing course available at MyTraining.
  4. Departments upload and attach the credit card statement, corresponding receipts and other supporting documentation to the voucher (see Documentation and Retention). If travel is involved, departments will reference on the voucher the approved Travel Authorization number. If the statement contains charges for travel expenses other than airfare, receipts for those expenses should also be attached to the voucher. For more information about airfare and other travel receipt requirements, see Financial Guideline — Travel Reimbursement.
  5. Departments submit the voucher (with attached documentation) via PeopleSoft workflow for approval.
  6. The designated approver in PeopleSoft reviews the voucher, ensures transactions are appropriate and all supporting documentation is attached, then approves the voucher on or before the 20th of each month.
  7. DTS will charge the default cost center if documentation is incomplete or missing or if the monthly payment (approved Non-PO Voucher) is not submitted by the deadline (i.e., past due account). The department will need to request a correction from Accounting Services and provide relevant supporting documentation. See Non-Compliance for consequences of past due accounts.

NOTE: Receipts submitted for One Card payments do not need to be resubmitted when the traveler/department finalizes the Expense Report in PeopleSoft; on the Expense Report, travelers/departments should reference the voucher number and last four digits of the One Card number. A TRS (Travel Reimbursement Settlement form) may be required. See Financial Guideline — Travel Reimbursement for more information.

Credit Balances
If the statement contains a credit balance and the cardholder does not intend to incur any expenditures in the next 60 days, the cardholder and/or cardholder's department may email the Credit Card Administration office ( to request a refund of the credit balance.

The email must include

  • Cardholder name
  • Last six digits of the card number
  • Amount and date of credit
  • Statement that the cardholder is not incurring any expenditures in the next 60 days and requests a refund of the credit balance

N. Card Changes

Use the CMR form to request the following changes to an existing One Card:

  • Single transaction and credit limits
  • Default cost center
  • Name change
  • Addition/removal of entitlements (travel, purchase, special events)
  • Card cancellation due to employee transfer or lack of need (cancellation is required upon employment separation)
  • Card replacement due to lost/stolen/damaged card or fraudulent activity
  • Temporary status change
  • Addition/removal of international access
  • Merchant Category Code/vendor addition and deletion

Card changes require department manager approval (vice presidents and deans may delegate this approval authority by sending a signed delegation of signature authority to the deputy chief financial officer and senior associate vice president for Financial Affairs). The cardholder and department manager must complete and sign the CMR form, then submit it to the Credit Card Administration office via DocuSign for processing. When the requested revisions are made, the office will contact the requestor.

Cardholders/departments must also physically destroy cancelled One Cards.

O. Declined, Disputed and Fraudulent Transactions

If a transaction is declined, cardholders should log on to CitiManager to view the transaction details. Refer to the Card Activation, CitiManager Registration and Website Navigation guide.

Cardholders must initiate a transaction dispute with Citibank (and the vendor if applicable) as soon as possible (and before the monthly payment due date) if any of the following occur:

  • Unauthorized transactions
  • Billing errors, such as duplicate charges, incorrect pricing, non-receipt of goods or services, payments not credited for returned goods
  • Inadequate quality of goods or services

To dispute a transaction

  1. Contact Citibank upon receipt of the credit card statement (call 800-248-4553, or log on to CitiManager);
  2. Notify the vendor and complete the UTSA Vendor Dispute form in accordance with Financial Guideline — Texas Prompt Payment Law; and
  3. Retain a copy of the Citibank dispute email confirmation. Attach this with the other supporting documentation to the Non-PO Voucher (see Monthly Reconciliation and Payment).

If the dispute is resolved, the cardholder must verify that the correction has been completed when the next statement arrives. Charges for Texas sales tax cannot be disputed with Citibank.

If fraudulent activity is suspected

  1. The cardholder must call Citibank at 800-945-3114 to report the suspect transaction(s). The cardholder completes, electronically certifies and submits the Declaration of Unauthorized Use form provided by Citibank. The cardholder must retain a copy of the Citibank form with the other One Card supporting documentation.
  2. The cardholder must report suspected fraudulent/inappropriate/questionable use of the One Card to the Credit Card Administration Office, including providing the Citibank email confirmation that the unauthorized charges are being investigated.

P. Lost, Stolen or Damaged One Cards

The cardholder must immediately report lost or stolen cards by calling Citibank at 800-248-4553. The cardholder must also notify the department manager and the Credit Card Administration office immediately, or at the start of the next business day if the loss/theft is discovered or occurs outside of normal business hours.

To obtain a replacement card, the cardholder completes and submits a CMR form via DocuSign to the Credit Card Administration office (see Card Changes for details). Citibank then completes the card replacement and sends the card to the Credit Card Administration office.

Cardholders need to activate and register the replacement card, review any charges that posted and report any unauthorized/fraudulent activity.

If a missing card is subsequently found or otherwise recovered, the cardholder or department must physically destroy the card.

Q. Departmental Controls

In addition to complying with UTSA-wide requirements and restrictions, the cardholder's department is also responsible for establishing and documenting an appropriate departmental One Card control environment including approvals, adjustments, record keeping, reporting, reconciliation, segregation of One Card duties and supervision.

R. Training

Cardholders are required by the state to attend One Card training (including the One Card Reconciliation and Payment Processing course available at MyTraining). For the ability to make purchases, One Card credit limits are activated only after cardholders confirm training completion with the Credit Card Administration office. Cardholders are required to re-complete training on a two-year cycle as a refresher.

Cardholders, department managers and other employees involved in using or reconciling One Cards are responsible for staying informed of policies, procedures, guidelines, rules and other requirements related to One Cards, including changes to the One Card program.

S. Non-Compliance Consequences

Non-compliance with this guideline and applicable regulatory, statutory, grant, funding source, departmental/program or UT/UTSA requirements, policies and procedures may result in disciplinary/corrective measures. Depending on the nature, severity and frequency of non-compliance, consequences may include any, several or all of the following:

Level One: The first instance of an issue such as (but not limited to)

  • Past due account;
  • Missing itemized receipt;
  • Vendor hold not checked;
  • Missing ORI approval for foreign vendors; or
  • Texas sales tax, hotel occupancy or motor vehicle rental tax charged.

Consequence: Written non-compliance notification to the cardholder, cardholder’s immediate supervisor and department manager.

Level Two: Two Level One occurrences within a two-year period, or the first instance of an issue such as (but not limited to)

  • Unsecured card;
  • Allowing card use by someone other than the cardholder;
  • Using the card for a restricted business or commodity;
  • A self-reported personal/unauthorized transaction;
  • Using the card to pay a past-due invoice;
  • Missing approvals (for example, BEF, travel authorization, exempt agreements);
  • Failure to report missing/lost/stolen card; or
  • Non-compliance with other UTSA policy or procedure.

Consequence: Mandatory training related to the non-compliance occurrence(s). Written non-compliance notification to the respective dean, assistant/associate vice president and the assistant vice president for supply chain. 

Level Three: Two Level Two occurrences within a two-year period, or three Level One occurrences within a two-year period, or the first instance of an issue such as (but not limited to)

  • Circumvention of transaction limit; or
  • An unreported personal/unauthorized transaction.

Consequence: Suspension of the card for 90 days, mandatory comprehensive training and written non-compliance notification from the assistant vice president for supply chain to the respective vice president, copying the deputy CFO.

Level Four includes but is not limited to

  • Four Level One occurrences within a two-year period;
  • Three Level Two occurrences within a two-year period;
  • Two Level Three occurrences within a two-year period; or
  • Past due account after card has been suspended and reinstated.

Consequence: Card cancellation and letter from the assistant vice president for supply chain to the respective vice president, copying the deputy CFO.

Level Five: One Card-related fraud is intentional misrepresentation or deception related to the use of the One Card and/or the reporting of One Card transactions.

Suspected fraud will be reported to UTSA and other authorities as applicable and investigated as appropriate. Consequences for fraud will vary depending on the outcome of the investigation and the nature of the offense, and may result in disciplinary measures up to and including termination of employment and criminal prosecution.

The above is not an exhaustive list of non-compliance issues and consequences.

Related Forms

  1. Addendum for Special Events
  2. Business Expense Form (BEF)
  3. Card Activation, CitiManager Registration and Website Navigation
  4. Card Maintenance Request (CMR)
  5. Citibank® Commercial Cards - Add/Change Authorized to Inquire (ATI)
  6. Motor Vehicle Rental Exemption Certificate 
  7. One Card Application and Agreement Form
  8. Program Administrator Form
  9. Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate
  10. Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption (Tax Exempt Certificate)
  11. Travel Reimbursement/Settlement (TRS)
  12. Vendor Dispute Form

Revision History

Date Description
08/13/24 Substantive updates include security requirements (section D); codifying in this guideline use of the One Card for airfare purchases regardless of funding source (section G); clarifying vendor hold searches, adding the new vendor hold search tool and referencing Laboratory Safety division approval (section J); adding refresher training requirement for cardholders (section R).
07/05/24 In section N. Card Changes, simplified one of the bullet points to “Temporary status change”.
01/19/23 Vice presidents and deans who are department managers may delegate certain approval authority if conditions are met (sections C and N); Amazon Business Prime added as an alternative purchasing platform (section F); hospitality expenses funded by a non-Official Occasions cost center require an Addendum for Special Events form (section H); updates to the restricted commodities list (section J).
03/30/22 Replaced outdated vendor hold link with a link to the new Payment Holds guideline.
09/07/21 Added the electronic goods transaction limit. Updated clickwrap agreement rules and linked to the new Clickwrap Agreements financial guideline. Specified that the state requires cardholders to complete training.
03/18/21 The One Card replaces CLIBA and Procards. This guideline consolidates and replaces the Procard Program and Travel Cards Financial Management Operational Guidelines (FMOGs).