Vendor FAQs
Where can I see what bids that are available at UTSA?
UTSA posts all solicitation documents and solicitations to the State of Texas Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) website. To access ESBD, navigate to Current Bid Opportunities web page or navigate directly to the ESBD website. Once on the Electronic State Business Daily Search page, enter 743 into the Agency/Texas SmartBuy Member Number to see a listing of UTSA posted procurements.
I submitted a response for a bid, RFP or quote, but did not win. How do I find out who was awarded the solicitation and what their price was?
Solicitation awards can be found on the the Texas Electronic State Business Daily website. Visit the site and enter 743 in the Agency/Texas SmartBuy Member Number and select “Award” under Status. Click the Search button and scroll down to find the specific solicitation. Click the solicitation title and scroll to the bottom of the page to see award information. Additional information can be obtained by submitting an open records request using the “Submit an Online Request” button on their website.
I did not submitted a response for a bid, RFP or quote, but I want to know who responded to a solicitation and what the bid prices were. How do I find this information?
Bid tabulations are made available by submitting an online request via open records. Be specific in your request and supply solicitation numbers, dates or other information that can be used to locate the document(s) you are requesting.
I want a copy of the responses for a particular bid, RFP or quote. How do I get a copy of these documents?
To receive information related to specific proposal or bid responses, submit an online record request. Be specific in your request and supply solicitation numbers, dates or other information that can be used to locate the document(s) you are requesting.
What do I need to do to become a preferred vendor?
UTSA awards contracts through competitive solicitation or through the use of a Group Purchasing Organization. Preferred vendors are a general term used to identify contracted vendors who have received a contract award or currently holds a “Punch Out” catalog in the RowdyExchange Electronic Catalog system. Punch Out suppliers are enabled based on several factors to include significant spend in a commodity group, volume of purchase orders issued across multiple UTSA departments, available contract vehicles or other criteria deemed valuable to UTSA.
I need to drop off a bid proposal. Where are you located?
UTSA moved to Rowdy Exchange, an electronic bid submission system. All bids, RFPs, RFQs and other solicitation responses must be submitted electronically through the system. Successful registration in the system must be completed prior to responding to any solicitation, although the solicitation may be viewed without registration. Register online through the Rowdy Exchange Supplier portal. View bidding opportunities on the Rowdy Exchange Sourcing website. You can view open, upcoming, closed and awarded bids.
How do I get on your Vendor List?
UTSA uses the Texas Comptroller’s Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) to identify sources for goods and/or services. Vendors receiving awards must be set up in the UTSA PeopleSoft financial system prior to issuance of a PO or prior to payments being made when a PO is not used. For more information visit Financial Affairs Supplier Setup web page.
I suspect I have been contacted by a fraudulent entity. What do I do?
The first step is to verify if the event is actually fraud. To assist with determining if an activity is related to fraud, visit the Fraudulent Activity web page. If you have been a victim of fraud, contact your local law enforcement immediately to report the crime.
More questions?
Answers to most questions can be found here on our website. If you have additional questions, email Purchasing Department or call us at 210-458-4060.