Processing Corrections

Correcting Financial Transactions

UTSA departments must review actual revenues and expenditures against budget on a regular basis to help management identify errors and inconsistencies, determine availability of funds and identify internal control deficiencies. If you discover errors during your review, such as incorrect account codes or wrong chartfields (such as cost center or project ID), request a correction through the appropriate process.

Which Central Offices Handle Corrections?

Below is a listing of the various types of corrections and the offices that can assist you.

Type of Correction
Central Office Contact
Sponsored project Refer to the Grants Accounting Cost Transfer Processing web page 
Capital project Refer to Accounting Services’ manual correction process below
Capital purchase (account 8XXXX)
Payroll expense (account 5XXXX) Refer to eForms at UTSA
Actuals transactions not mentioned above Refer to Accounting Services’ Easy Correct Journal process below
Purchase orders Email Purchasing
Travel authorizations Email Disbursements and Travel Services
Cost Centers Email Budget and Financial Planning
Sponsored projects Email the applicable Research Service Center administrator
Capital projects Email Accounting Services


Prepare an email to Accounting Services.

  • In the subject line, enter a brief description of the correction (e.g., Correct Voucher 0012345)
  • In the body of the email, provide the following information:
    • Document ID (IDT number, journal ID, voucher ID, expense report number).
    • Cost center where revenue or expense posted.
    • General ledger account where revenue (4xxxx) or expense (6xxxx/8xxxx) posted.
    • Corrected cost center (if needed).
    • Corrected general ledger account (if needed).
    • Amount to be corrected (if partial correction, include original amount as well).
    • Reason for correction.
    • Attach supporting documentation of the charge (invoices, emails, etc.). This is optional.
    • If an Official Occasions account (accounts 67106 or 67107) is being charged, include a completed Business Expense Form with the appropriate approvals.
    • Copy the department manager of the cost center being expensed.

If there are multiple corrections to a cost center, an Excel spreadsheet with the transactions can be attached with the corrected cost centers and/or accounts noted in the spreadsheet or body of the email.

If errors are generated on the correction, Accounting Services will contact you via email to let you know that you must resolve the errors (e.g., work with the Budget Office or provide an alternative cost center). Once you have a resolution, reply back to Accounting Services to let them know how to proceed. If the error is not resolved, the correction will not be processed.

To ensure a correction is posted in the current month, you must submit the correction to Accounting Services no later than the 25th day of the month. Errors must be resolved by the department no later than the last business day of the month.

The Easy Correct Journal feature in SAHARA, the PeopleSoft module that is the system of record for reconciliation, enables reconcilers and approvers to initiate correction journals and then route the journal to Accounting Services for review and approval. For details on how to process an Easy Correct Journal, you should attend the SAHARA Reconciliation Application training. You can also view the Easy Correct Video Demonstration and the SAHARA overview job aid found on the Accounting Services Training website.