Section III: Traffic Regulations

1. Compliance

Every vehicle operator shall comply with these regulations, State law, and all traffic control devices at all times, unless otherwise specifically directed by Campus Services or UTSAPD. State and local laws pertaining to operation of a motor vehicle, bicycles and pedestrians on public streets apply on the campus and streets owned and operated by university.

2. Special Instructions

No person shall fail to comply with any instruction related to traffic or parking given by a university police officer or assistant vice president or assistant vice president of Campus Services or a Campus Services parking assistant.

3. Temporary Restrictions

The assistant vice president of Campus Services or Chief of UTSAPD is authorized to temporarily implement restrictions that govern parking and traffic relating to construction, emergency situations, or special events on campus, and by agreement with the City of San Antonio, on public streets. Notice of such restrictions may be given by the posting of temporary signs or barriers or in any other area deemed appropriate.

4. Speed Limits

20 mph on campus roads, 10 mph in parking lots, parking garages and service drives is the maximum speed limit, at all times, unless otherwise posted.

5. Traffic Obstruction

No person shall park or bring to a halt on the campus any vehicle in such a manner as to interfere with normal vehicular or pedestrian traffic or jeopardize safety or university property.

6. Bus-only Lanes

No person shall operate a vehicle other than a UTSA vehicle or bus on roadways or in lanes marked for buses only.

7. Vehicles in Buildings

With the exception of wheelchairs, ADA scooters, or other devices specifically authorized by Campus Services, no person shall place, use, park or otherwise leave a vehicle within any University building, other than a parking garage at any time.

8. Sidewalks, Grass, or Shrubbery

No person shall drive a vehicle on a sidewalk, walkway, patio, plaza, grass, shrubbery or any unmarked or unimproved ground area unless such areas are signed and marked for driving, except as specifically authorized by Campus Services or UTSAPD.

9. Roller-Skates, Skateboards, and Scooters

No person shall use roller-skates, a skateboard, or a scooter on University property.

10. Passenger Pick-Up and Drop-Off

No person shall stop a vehicle on any street, alley, or driveway on the campus for the purpose of picking-up or dropping-off a pedestrian without first drawing up to the right-hand curb.

11. Pedestrians

Pedestrians have the right-of-way at marked crosswalks, in intersections, and on sidewalks extending across a service drive, building entrance, or driveway. Pedestrians crossing a street at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles on the street. No pedestrian shall stand on the traveled portion of any street, alley, or driveway in such a manner as to obstruct or prevent the free flow of traffic.

12. Traffic Restrictions

Vehicles with two or more rear axles, or other oversize vehicles, are prohibited from travel on any UTSA roads unless required or requested by UTSA, and at no time may such vehicles, other than emergency vehicles, travel on Walter Brenan Avenue between the Recreation Wellness and Convocation Centers.

13. Using a Hand Held Mobile Device

A person commits a violation if the person uses a hand-held mobile communication device for any purpose while operating a motor vehicle on university property, including viewing, reading, texting, gaming, dialing or otherwise selecting numbers, listening to or talking to another person, or any other use of such a device.

14. Vehicle Registration

Any University vehicle operating on a UTSA campus must be registered with Fleet Management and must be clearly marked, as set out in Fleet Management policies and procedures (Provide link here). Any University vehicle, including golf carts operating on a UTSA campus not properly registered and marked may be disabled or removed from campus, without liability to the cart owner.