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Participant Advances
How to Process a Participant Advance
To actively support your project as a research principal investigator and to pay research subjects or project participants, you must first complete a Participant Advance form. Plan your payment strategy and determine the best payment method to satisfy your research project within your project dates in agreement with your three available payment options. If you determine that confidentiality of participant names is critical, then maintain all reconciliation and participant accountability detail records associated with your project within your department. To clear an open advance, provide a short, clear memo with the number of cards and amounts being reconciled.
There are three ways to process participant payments. You must include a valid IRB (Institutional Review Board) letter with the process you select.
Process a Purchase Order
Process a purchase order (PO) to Tango Card INC (Supplier ID: 0000114627) and request prepayment approval to expedite your order. (Visit the Prepayment Page for guidance). Using this vendor allows you to easily track the number of e-cards issued, recipient e-addresses, selection from a variety of brands, etc., when cards are issued. You may need to order your e-cards in increments to ensure all e-cards and funds are used and reconciled by your project end dates. You are the responsible party for maintaining reconciliation and fiscal accountability records associated with your project. Do not send reconciliation records to DTS. Use account code 67680 - Human Subject Payments – Cash Equivalents (e.g., cash, check or gift cards).
Process a Cash Advance
Process a cash advance using the Travel & Expense module in PeopleSoft if you would like to issue small dollar participant payments or gift cards for face-to-face interviews or surveys. Once all monies are used, follow up by processing an expense report to close out your open cash advance in PeopleSoft (link cash advance to expense report). Include a reconciliation list of recipient names and amounts to reconcile back to your original cash advance amount. Any unused monies may be returned to Fiscal Services before project end dates by completing a Deposit Transmittal Form. Include deposit receipt with your final expense report. Use account code 11650.
Process a Non-PO Voucher
Process a non-PO voucher to request an advance if you would like to issue small dollar participant payments or gift cards for face-to-face interviews or surveys. Send clearing documentation to Disbursements & Travel Services and reference non-PO voucher number for reconciliation purposes. Partial clearings are acceptable. Any unused monies may be returned to Fiscal Services before project end dates by completing a Deposit Transmittal Form. Use account code 11704 when creating non-PO voucher and returning funds.
Job Aids to Help You Process a Participant Advance
- Processing Non-PO Vouchers Using UTShare/PeopleSoft
- Creators of Non-PO Vouchers
- List of Budget Checking Errors
- List of Most Common Errors
Forms to Help You Process a Participant Advance