Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance management is the process of creating and maintaining a productive and efficient work environment where employees can fulfill their full potential. It encourages communication between the manager and employee throughout the year.

This communication process includes clarifying expectations, setting goals, and reviewing results. Goals and objectives are discussed throughout the year during routine employee/manager 1:1 meetings. This provides a framework to ensure employees achieve success through coaching and feedback.


UTSA Core Values


The annual performance evaluation cycle begins on September 1st each year and runs through August 31st. The evaluation has three phases: Goal Setting, Mid-Year Check-In, and Evaluations.

Year-End Timeline

Explore below to learn more about the performance management process and access helpful resources. Additionally, we encourage you to view all upcoming course offerings for employee and manager performance management training opportunities offered throughout the year during each phase of the annual cycle.
Date Task Responsible Person
Throughout the year Monitor, evaluate, communicate performance progress Employee and Manager
FY24 Performance Management
Due Nov. 30
  • Finalize, Save and Submit SMART Goals for FY24
Employee and Manager

Due March 29

  • Mid-Year Check In
  • Open Evaluation
Employee and Manager
Due Aug. 9
  • Finalize & Complete Self-Evaluation
Aug. 12-30
Due Aug. 30
  • Finalize & Save Manager Evaluation(s)
    (Please do not submit)
    *Can begin work prior to 8/9
Sept. 3-30
  • Evaluation Review Period (Calibration)
    *Complete and submit to second level once calibration is finalized
  • Begin discussing and drafting SMART goals for upcoming performance year.
    *New performance year evaluation documents will be loaded into the system week of Nov. 1.

Manager, Division Leadership & People Excellence

Oct. 1-31
  • One-on-one meeting to discuss evaluation  
  • Acknowledge receipt of the evaluation; employee may include comments  
Employee and Manager
FY25 Performance Management
Due Nov. 29, 2024
  • Finalize, Save and Submit SMART Goals for FY25
    *These conversations should start at the beginning of FY25 (Sept. 1, 2024)
Employee and Manager

FY24 Cutoff Dates

  • Classified employees hired after March 1, 2024 will only complete a probationary evaluation for the current evaluation cycle.
  • Administrative and Professional employees hired after June 1, 2024 will not receive an annual evaluation until the next evaluation cycle.

Performance Rating Scales

Rating scales are used to evaluate employees on core values and competencies.

Each core value and competency have rating descriptors that aligns to the overall rating scale below.

  • 1 - Does Not Meet Expectations: Needs significant improvement in some or most areas.
  • 2 - Somewhat Meets Expectations: Often meets expectations but needs improvement in some areas.
  • 3 - Meets Expectations: Strong, solid performer who meets expectations and occasionally exceeds expectations.
  • 4 - Exceeds Expectations: Strong, solid performer who consistently meets expectations and often exceeds expectations.
  • 5 - Role Mode: Consistently performs above all that is required; makes unique contributions and achieves exceptional accomplishments.

Core Values

Our six core values are rated on scale of 1-5. When we think of our strategic vision and destination as an exemplar for strategic growth and innovative excellence, we think about our established six core values. These core values are at the center of everything that we do.

  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Inclusiveness
  • Respect
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation

Core Competencies

Competencies are demonstrable characteristics and skills that enable people to deliver superior performance in a given job, role, or situation.

Core Competencies



An important part of managing employee performance is setting goals for the upcoming year. A SMART goal is defined as one that is:

  • S pecific
  • M easurable
  • A chievable
  • R elevant
  • T ime-bound

A SMART goal incorporates the above criteria to help focus your efforts, develop reasonable objectives and increase the chances of achieving your overall goals. Each employee should enter three to five goals as a part of the performance cycle.

To establish your path to success, you will work with your manager to set SMART goals for the current fiscal year (evaluation period). Keeping your year-end evaluation in mind, it is important that you and your manager set expectations for the current year.

SMART Goal Resources:

During the mid-year check in, supervisors and employees will review performance, document the progress of SMART goals and make any necessary adjustments to the current goals. Employees should play an interactive role by adding notes about progress made toward goals.

Open Evaluation
Once the mid-year check in is complete, managers must open the evaluation in preparation for the self-evaluation and manager evaluation phases of the process. Please review Performance Management Training below for employee and manager guides on how to navigate the system for both tasks, as well as other resources.

Register for Training

  • Mid-Year Check In Overview - Participants will gain an overview of the Mid-Year Check In phase of the annual performance management process, including ePerformance system navigation in PeopleSoft.
  • Mastering the Mid-Year Check In Meeting - Participants will have an opportunity to network with other leaders, watch a live conversation between a leader and their employee and walk away with strategies for facilitating an effective 1:1 mid-year meeting.

The Annual Performance Evaluation phase of the evaluation process includes the employee self-evaluation and the manager evaluation.

The self-evaluation allows employees to reflect on progress toward established goals and performance in each core value and core competency. Employees are encouraged to complete the ratings, include comments about performance, and upload attachments to support performance progress.

Managers will complete the manager evaluation portion to include a review of the submitted self-evaluation and attachments. Managers will complete their review of the employee’s performance by selecting appropriate ratings and adding comments and attachments as appropriate.

Employees are encouraged to review the Performance Management rating descriptors to aid in the application and alignment of ratings.

Webinar Recordings

Training sessions on the annual performance evaluation process are offered each year during each phase of the performance evaluation process. Visit MyTraining or reach out to the Employee Success Center for more information.

Register for Training

Manager and Employee Evaluation Meeting

UTSA's performance management process includes an end-of-year employee and manager evaluation meeting to review performance ratings. The meeting should be a collaborative discussion reflective of performance, including strengths and areas of opportunity for growth. Goals and next steps should also be discussed in preparation for the next performance year.

Once the employee evaluation meeting has been held, managers will share the evaluation with the employee within the ePerformance system. Once shared, employees will acknowledge receipt and add any final comments. Once complete, the evaluation will move into Historical Documents in the PeopleSoft system. The job aides above provide more details about this process.

New, classified, benefits-eligible employees are considered probationary for the first six months of employment at UTSA. Each probationary employee is assigned a UTSA Probationary Review that includes 45-, 90-, and 160-day checkpoints. Managers can access their employees' probationary documents through the Team Performance tile in PeopleSoft. The Probationary Review utilizes checkpoints that allow managers to provide ongoing feedback that will ensure the employee has the tools and resources necessary to be successful.

For assistance completing the probationary review documents in PeopleSoft, refer to the job aids below. Please note that an enhancement was made to the probationary review document in PeopleSoft effective March 1, 2024. Be sure to select the appropriate resource aligned to the new hire date.

Employees hired before March 1, 2024:

Employees hired on or after March 1, 2024:

Contact your HR Business Partner with questions about the performance review process or reach out to the Employee Success Center for support with the system.

Refer to UTSA Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) 3.06 for additional information.

The performance evaluation is an opportunity for supervisors to develop, encourage and recognize positive performance and workplace behaviors. Supervisors should also identify and apply appropriate corrective measures to address any concerns about the employee's ability to meet the mutually agreed upon established performance expectations.

Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) 3.03 outlines the policy in detail.

Who is assigned an annual performance evaluation?
All benefits-eligible staff are assigned an annual performance evaluation.

  • Classified Employees
    • Those who are hired before the cutoff date of the current fiscal year receive two documents: the UTSA Probationary Review and the UTSA Annual Performance Evaluation.
    • Those who are hired on or after the cutoff date for the current fiscal year only receive the UTSA Probationary Review.
  • Administrative and Professional Employees
    • Those who are hired before the cutoff date for the current fiscal year only receive the UTSA Annual Performance Evaluation.
    • Those who are hired on or after the cutoff date for the current fiscal year will not receive an Annual Performance Evaluation until the new fiscal year.
  • Faculty
    • For information regarding the evaluation process for faculty, visit the Faculty Review webpage.

Why are the goals rated as achieved or not achieved and not on the five-point rating scale?
At this time, only the core values and core competencies are assigned a numerical rating. We will continue to evaluate the process to determine future adjustments and enhancements.

I would like to know more about the differences in the ratings of the competencies. How can I find more information?
Additional information and a breakdown of the values and competencies is found in the Performance Management Rating Guide.

What sections do I have to complete on my self-evaluation?
As an employee, you should review progress toward goal achievement, add comments and upload any attachments that support your performance. You will also need to enter numerical ratings for each core value and competency.

I am unable to access my self-evaluation to enter comments or ratings. What do I do?
Send an email to the the Employee Success Center so the team can troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

Will performance ratings be tied to merit this year?
At this time, we do not have any information related to merit for this year.

I accidentally submitted my self-evaluation before it was complete. How can I go back?
Reach out to your manager so they can reopen your evaluation.

How do I reopen a self-evaluation for my employee?
In the evaluation task bar on the left side, click Review Self-Evaluation and click View. Click the reopen link just above the Goals tab. For additional help, email the Employee Success Center.

I accidentally submitted my manager evaluation before it was complete. How can I go back?
Notify your second-level supervisor and ask them to deny it or email the Employee Success Center for assistance.

I am still completing my probationary period/I just completed my probationary period. Do I still have to do an annual evaluation?
Probationary employees hired before the established cutoff date will receive both a probationary review and an annual performance evaluation. Probationary employees hired after the established cutoff date will only receive a probationary review for that year.

My manager is on vacation and unable to move my self-evaluation to the next phase of the process. What do I do?
Email the Employee Success Center for assistance.